2019年11月14日 星期四

The Time Traveler’s Wife虐心的時空愛戀

After the book was published, it became a New York Times bestseller and won the 2003 Amazon Book of the Year award. Many readers enjoyed it so much that they had trouble putting it down.
In 2009, it was made into a Hollywood film starring Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana. In addition to getting an interesting story, readers can take some life lessons from the book. It’s a reminder for readers that our time on Earth is limited and we should spend it wisely.
《時空旅人之妻》這本書出版後,它就成了《紐約時報》的暢銷書,並贏得了 2003 亞馬遜年度最佳圖書獎。許多讀者對這個故事愛不釋手。
這本書於 2009 年時被翻拍成好萊塢電影,由瑞秋麥亞當斯及艾瑞克巴納領銜主演。除了讀到了一篇有趣的故事,讀者也可從書中獲得一些人生啟示。這個故事提醒讀者們,我們在地球上的時間是有限的,我們應該聰明地利用它。
publish vt. 出版;發表
The book will be published in two weeks or so.
wisely adv. 明智地
By investing wisely, Brandon made a fortune in the stock

