2019年11月28日 星期四

’Mini Stonehenges’: Hong Kong protesters take on police, one brick at a time 「迷你石陣」:香港示威者以一塊塊磚頭對付警方

Hong Kong protesters have alighted on a new way to counter the police, as the five-month old anti-government resistance grinds on and their tactics evolve further.
The latest strategy being deployed across the city involves protesters stacking bricks that resemble mini-temples across thoroughfares to function as roadblocks.
Locally dubbed "brick battlegrounds" or "mini-Stonehenges", they have been hailed by many supporters as creative installations to deter the advance of riot police.
The tactic has successfully forced traffic to grind to a halt and bus routes to divert. "Perhaps one day we will be able to call those our Arcs of Triumph," said a post on the Reddit website.
take on someone:片語,對付或與某人競爭。例句:We will take on our biggest political rivals in the 2020 election.(我們將在2020年選舉中與最大政治對手競爭。)
alight on/upon something someone):片語,突然想到或者注意到某事(人)。例句:They have alighted on some news ideas to solve the problem.(他們想到一些新點子解決這個問題。)
grind on:片語,某事拖了一段長時間(通常令人感到不愉快)。例句:The anti-government protest has been grinding on for months.(這場反政府示威已持續數月之久。)

