2020年4月30日 星期四

骨鬆不是吃藥就好 這「兩件事」一定要做到









Today, it’s cheaper and easier than ever to make your own T-shirt. You can even make your own slogan T-shirts at home. But if you would rather leave it to the professionals than do it yourself, there are plenty of online custom T-shirt shops around, such as Designhill. Just tell them what you want your shirt to say and how many you want, and then you’ve got your very own personal design.
現在製作自己專屬的T恤比以往更便宜也更容易。你甚至在家裡就可以做出屬於自己的標語T恤。但要是你寧願讓專業人士製作而非自己動手的話,那麼現在有很多像是 Designhill這樣的線上客製 T 恤商店。只要告訴他們你想在T恤上表達什麼、要多少件,你就可以擁有屬於自己的個性化設計。
●slogan  n. 口號;標語
  n. 專業人士,行家
I offered to help Anna paint her house, but she decided to hire a professional in the end.
  a. 訂做的;客製的
The custom paint job on the car looks amazing, but it is extremely expensive.

2020年4月29日 星期三

World’s longest animal discovered in Australian waters

Scientists exploring the deep sea off Australia’s coast have discovered as many as 30 new marine species – and what may be the longest animal ever seen.
The discoveries were the result of expeditions into Western Australia’s underwater canyons. One of the biggest discoveries was a siphonophore measuring an estimated 46 metres. Siphonophores are deep-sea predators made up of many small clones that act together as one and spread out like a single long string in the water. Researchers think this particular siphonophore may be the longest yet found.
Nerida Wilson, a senior research scientist at the Western Australia Museum, who led the expedition, said the discovery of the extra-long siphonophore came when many researchers on board were least expecting it. The research vehicle dived as deep as 4,439 metres, but the siphonophore was only discovered as the vehicle was making its way back to the surface at around 630 metres.
predator:名詞 ,掠食者。例句:The leopard is a predator of the monkey.(花豹是這隻猴子的掠食者。)
expedition:名詞,探險、遠征。例句:We discovered a new species during the expedition.(我們在這次探險中,發現一種新物種。)
dive:動詞,潛水。例句:To rescue the girl, the lifeguard dived in the river quickly.(為了營救那個女孩,救生員飛快地潛進河裡。)

If you want to know what somebody is all about, it might be as easy as looking at their T-shirt. These days, T-shirts are full of creative, colorful, and often political slogans. But this wasn’t always the case. So, how did T-shirts become one of the best ways to let the world know what’s on your mind? In the UK, the origin of the political statement T-shirt goes back to 1984.
如果你想要了解某個人,或許就跟看他們穿什麼T恤一樣容易。現在的T恤充滿了創意十足、色彩豐富,而且還時常帶著政治意味的口號。但情況並非總是這樣。那T恤是怎麼變成讓全世界了解你心中想法的一種最佳方式呢?在英國,顯示政治立場的T恤其源頭可追溯到 1984 年。
●slogan  n. 口號;標語
  a. 政治(上)的
The first showing of the movie was delayed because of political reasons.
●be not the case
I thought my boyfriend was mad at me, but that wasn’t the case.

2020年4月28日 星期二

Certain Junk Foods Could Be Messing With Your Brain’s Appetite Control, Study Finds

Emerging evidence in humans suggests a typically Western high-fat, high-sugar ’junk food’ diet can quickly undermine your brain’s appetite control.
After indulging in a week-long binge of waffles, milkshakes and similarly rich foods, researchers in Australia found young and healthy volunteers scored worse on memory tests and experienced a greater desire to eat junk food, even when they were already full.
The findings suggest something is amiss in the hippocampus - a region of the brain that supports memory and helps to regulate appetite. When we are full, the hippocampus is thought to quieten down our memories of delicious food, thereby reducing our appetite.
When it’s disrupted, this control can be seriously undermined.
Over the years, extensive research on juvenile mice has found the function of the hippocampus is very sensitive to ’junk food’ , but this has only recently been observed in young and healthy humans.
indulge︰動詞,沉迷、放縱自己。例句:The prince indulged in luxury.(王子奢靡無度。)
binge:狂飲作樂、不醉不歸,亦可指過度、無節制的耽溺行為,例如:a buying binge(瘋狂購物),或強迫性的飲食,例如︰binge eating(暴食)。
amiss︰形容詞或副詞,指有錯的、不妥的,take amiss意指因而見怪;例句︰I hope that you will not take it amiss if I poke some fun.(如果我開個玩笑,希望你不要見怪。)

2020年4月26日 星期日

S.Korea beefing up equipment for second wave of COVID-19/南韓補強抗疫裝備 因應第2波2019冠狀病毒疾病疫情

Korean health authorities said Thursday they were beefing up medical equipment against a potential massive coronavirus outbreak, saying the country could face another round worse than the initial outbreak in Daegu.
"Right now we have no shortage of ecmoextracorporeal membrane oxygenationdevices and quarantine beds," Yoon Tae-ho, a senior Health Ministry official, said. "But we’re preparing for the possibility of a bigger outbreak."
Health authorities said they are aiming to begin clinical trials of plasma therapy using captured plasma from virus survivors in July, though the treatment has yet to demonstrate concrete effectiveness. They added there have been three domestic cases of the treatments.
beef up:片語,加(增)強、充實、擴大。We need to find some new players to beef up our team.(為加強本隊實力,我們需要招納幾名新球員。)
extracorporeal:形容詞,體外的。Extracorporeal life supportECLSis a world-famous life-saving method.(體外維生是一種世界知名的救命方法。)
plasma:名詞,血(電、乳)漿。The hospital collected over 100 plasma bags from today’s blood donating activity.(這家醫院從今天的捐血活動,收集了逾百袋血漿。)

2020年4月25日 星期六

Sex toy sales take off amid Colombia’s coronavirus quarantine情趣用品在哥倫比亞冠狀病毒隔離期間走紅

Gerson Monje holds up his cellphone to proudly show off his online sex shop. A red banner reading “sold out!” is plastered across half of the products.
While most Colombian businesses suffer during a five-week lockdown meant to curb the spread of the coronavirus, one online industry has seen an explosion in sales in the usually conservative countrysex toys are flying off virtual shelves.
“Sales started going up on day four of the quarantine,” said Monje, who is still able to have products delivered to customers amid the national lockdown. “We’ve seen a rise of 50%.”
“People are at home and have more time on their hands. They’re with their partners or alone and need fun in their daily activities when it comes to being intimate,” Monje said.
Sex toys could help people keep their spirits up during long isolation, psychologist Dr. Carolina Guzman said, and might lead to an easing of sexual mores. Reuters
take off:片語動詞,指起飛、突然走紅、開始成功、(不打招呼就)突然離開。例句:His singing career had just begun to take off.(他的歌唱生涯才剛開始起飛。)
plaster:名詞,指灰漿、膏藥、傷口貼布;動詞,指粉刷、緊貼、大量張貼。例句:The story was plastered all over Thursday’s newspaper front page.(這則報導占滿週四報紙頭版。)
fly off the shelves:片語,指人氣熱賣、搶購一空。例句:Zongzis are flying off the shelves as the Dragon Boat Festival approaches.(粽子在端午節來臨時熱賣。)

BE HERE NOW要你專注當下,手機封鎖袋正夯!

The assistant principal said that the idea for using Yondr came from teachers. They were tired of spending hours and hours taking away students’ phones or telling them to pay attention in class. At first, the kids didn’t love the idea of not being able to Snapchat during the day, but eventually, they grew to love it. The classrooms at the school are now distraction-free zones so kids are talking more, laughing more, and making more friends.
副校長說使用 Yondr 手機封鎖袋的點子是來自於老師們。他們厭倦了要花好長時間沒收學生手機或叫他們專心上課。一開始,學生們並不喜歡白天無法用 Snapchat,但最後他們竟漸漸喜歡上了。學校教室現在是「無機干擾」區域,所以學生們有了更多對話、更多笑聲,也交了更多朋友
eventually adv. 最終
After changing many careers, Rick eventually made it big in publishing.
distraction n. 使人分心的事物
zone n. 區域;區段

2020年4月24日 星期五

Trump’s sarcastic response to Mitt Romney’ negative test for coronavirus follows years of bad blood

多年失和 川普嘲諷回應羅尼的新冠病毒檢測結果為陰性
For a famously mild-mannered man whose worst cuss words are G-rated throwbacks like "golly," Mitt Romney has a way of getting under President Trump’s skin.
This time, the Republican senator from Utah did it by announcing a bit of good news amid the welter of scary developments during the pandemicHe has tested negative for the coronavirus.
"This is really great news! I am so happy I can barely speak," Trump tweeted Wednesday morning. "He may have been a terrible presidential candidate and an even worse U.S. Senator, but he is a RINO, and I like him a lot!"
「這真是個天大的好消息!我高興到難以用言語表達,」川普週三一早在推文中寫道。「他也許是個很糟糕的總統候選人,甚至是個更糟糕的美國國會參議員,但他再怎麼說,名義上還是共和黨人(RINORepublican In Name Only ,諷刺立場不夠保守、宛如純掛名的共和黨人),我很喜歡他!」
The bad blood between Trump and Romney dates at least to 2012, when Trump said the election was Republicans’ to lose and then blamed Romney for doing just that.
Romney shrugged off the critique, but his low opinion of Trump seemed to harden.
get under someone’s skin:慣用語,惹某人生氣、讓某人不爽。例句:Manspreading really gets under my skin People doing that are selfish.(我很不爽在大眾運輸座位上兩腿開開佔空間的人——這種人很自私。)
shrug off:慣用語,聳肩以示對某事不屑一顧或懶得理睬。
所有格代名詞 to lose:慣用語,指某人勝券在握、終將獲勝。例句:No matter how hard you try, the championship is not yours to lose.(無論你多努力,冠軍也不會是你的。)

The Proud History of Bubble Wrap嗶嗶啵啵樂無窮!

While bubble wrap is best known as a packing material, it has a variety of other uses as well. For example, it can actually be used as insulation for windows and pet carriers since it is a lightweight material that retains heat well. It can be used to protect the corners of furniture or even as a painting tool to create unique textures. Most people also know bubble wrap’s most popular alternative use: popping it.
insulation n.絕緣材料
lightweight a.
retain vt.
Scientists have come up with a new way to help plants retain water.
texture n.