2020年4月15日 星期三

Becoming a Modern-Day Sherlock Holmes當你自己的現代福爾摩斯

You don’t even need to be a police officer to solve mysteries. Anyone can do it if they are willing to follow some steps. The first step is to take note of details right from the start. When you are investigating, keep track of everything.
If you are at a crime scene, examine everything carefully. After you have some evidence and facts, you can create a timeline. Also, remember to follow every lead. Finally, if things get tough, don’t give up.
●keep track of...  注意⋯⋯的動態;記錄⋯⋯
Ernie watches the news every day to keep track of current events.
  n. 證明,證據(不可數)
Our business rival said they had evidence against us and threatened to go public.

