2020年5月29日 星期五

Hong Kong shop offers ’tear gas’ flavor ice cream

Hong Kong shop offers ’tear gas’ flavor ice cream
Tear gas is among the new flavors at a Hong Kong ice cream shop.
The main ingredient is black peppercorns, a reminder of the pungent, peppery rounds fired by police on the streets during months of demonstrations last year.
"It tastes like tear gas. It feels difficult to breathe at first, and it’s really pungent and irritating," said customer Anita Wong, who experienced tear gas at a protest. "It’s a flashback that reminds me of how painful I felt in the movement, and that I shouldn’t forget."
The flavor is a sign of support for the pro-democracy movement, which is seeking to regain its momentum during the coronavirus pandemic, the 31-year-old shop owner said. "We would like to make a flavor that reminds people that they still have to persist in the protest movement and don’t lose their passion," he said.
The tear gas ice cream has been a hit. Prior to social distancing regulations over the coronavirus outbreak, 20-30 scoops were sold per day.(AP)
pungent:形容詞,刺激性的。例句:I can’t put up with the pungent smells of durian.(我無法忍受榴槤的刺鼻味。)
peppery:形容詞,胡椒味的、辛辣的。例句:The soup has a sharp peppery flavor.(這個湯有很濃的胡椒味。)
scoop:名詞,一勺(鏟)。例句:She could swallow ten scoops of ice cream at a time.(她能一口氣吃10球冰淇淋。)

天堂般的伯朗大道池上美景 TAIWAN 2020

天堂般的伯朗大道池上美景 TAIWAN 2020


地球喘息!印度恆河水變清!30年來首見希馬拉雅山 威尼斯居民找回寧靜 二氧化碳排放大幅下降

山西 萬年冰洞 奇景(魏裕峰閱歷日誌)

山西 萬年冰洞 奇景(魏裕峰閱歷日誌)

2020年5月28日 星期四

Dinner with dummies: US eatery fills empty seats with mannequins

Dinner with dummies: US eatery fills empty seats with mannequins
Their eyes are vacant, their smiles uncanny but they’re dressed to the nines and they don’t need a reservation for some of America’s finest dining.
A Michelin-starred restaurant in the US state of Virginia has found a fun or creepy, depending on your tastes way to enforce social distancing when it reopens at the end of May: costumed mannequins seated among the breathing guests.
"This would allow plenty of space between real guests and elicit a few smiles and provide some fun photo ops," says chef Patrick O’Connell, owner of The Inn at Little Washington, in an e-mail to AFP.
"We’re all craving to gather and see other people right now. They don’t all necessarily need to be real people," O’Connell mischievously points out.
"I’ve always had a thing for mannequins they never complain about anything and you can have lots of fun dressing them up," he adds. (AFP)
dressed (up) to the nines:片語,(為特定場合)打扮入時或正式。例句:We all dressed to the nines at the gala.(我們都盛裝出席這場晚會。)
crave (to do) something:片語,渴望(做)某事。例句:I’m craving for a vacation.(我很想度個假。)
have a thing for (someone, something):片語,喜歡、對某人有意思。例句:He has a thing for you.(他對你有意思。)

一代賭王病逝 何鴻燊享年98歲

Mozart, Violinsonate B Dur KV 378 Anne Sophie Mutter Violine), Lambert Orkis (Klavier)
視帝吳朋奉 55歲腦中風猝逝【摘要2020.5.27.蘋果】三金影帝吳朋奉,昨驚爆猝逝,享年55歲,震驚演藝圈。前天下午3點多,住在吳朋奉樓下的侄女上樓找他,開門時卻發現他躺在陽台地板上,已無生命徵象。昨吳的遺體經法醫相驗後,確認死因是出血性腦中風。

Facebook will pay $52 million to employees who suffered PTSD

Facebook will pay $52 million to employees who suffered PTSD
Facebook has agreed to pay $52 million to current and former moderators to compensate them for mental health issues developed on the job. In a preliminary settlement filed on Friday in San Mateo Superior Court, the social network agreed to pay damages to American moderators and provide more counseling to them while they work.
Each moderator will receive a minimum of $1,000 and will be eligible for additional compensation if they are diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder or related conditions.
In September 2018, former Facebook moderator Selena Scola sued Facebook, alleging that she developed PTSD after being placed in a role that required her to regularly view photos and images of rape, murder, and suicide. Scola developed symptoms of PTSD after nine months on the job. The complaint, which was ultimately joined by several other former Facebook moderators working in four states, alleged that Facebook had failed to provide them with a safe workspace.
damages:名詞,賠償金。例句:The driver has paid damages to the victim of the accident.(這名司機已經支付賠償金給車禍受害者。)
eligible:形容詞,有資格的。例句:The company are eligible to receive subsidy.(這家公司有資格接受補助。)
ultimately:副詞,最終。例句:Mark ultimately got the gold medal in the swimming competition.(馬克最終在游泳比賽中贏得金牌。)

In elementary school, students learn that the planet is round. Over the centuries, lots of scientific data have proven this. However, a small portion of the population still doesn’t embrace this idea.
They believe that the earth is flat like a pancake. Belief in a flat earth was common in ancient times when people also thought the earth never moved. As science progressed, people began exploring and mapping the world’s oceans, and eventually these myths were proven false.
scientific a. 科學的
portion n. 一部分
embrace vt. 接受(意見、想法等);擁抱
progress vi. 進步;進展
myth n. 迷思,普遍卻錯誤的看法

2020年5月26日 星期二

Britain starts training dogs to detect new coronavirus英國開始訓練狗來偵測新型冠狀病毒

Canines have been used for decades to sniff out drugs, bombs, corpses and even cancer.
Now, a team of British researches are hoping dogs’ keen sense of smell can help detect COVID-19, CNN reports.
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is working with specially trained dogs to develop a new kind of coronavirus test, one that doesn’t require a swab, but just a sniff.
The organization recently discovered canines can detect Malaria infections in humans and they are investigating whether the same is true for COVID-19.
The training began in March and researchers are eyeing six weeks as enough to determine if the dogs are up to snuff.
If the tests go well, these "super sniffers" could be deployed to screen up to 250 people per hour for the virus.
Researchers said the dogs could be used at airports and other public areas in the future to help prevent another outbreak once the current pandemic declines.
canine:名詞、形容詞,犬、狗(的)。例句:The fox is a canine animal。(狐狸是犬科動物。)
keen:形容詞,敏銳的;敏捷的。例句:The blind have a keen sense of touch. (盲人有敏銳的觸覺。)
be up to:片語,從事,勝任。例句:He is quite up to his job. (他很能勝任他的工作。)