2021年9月29日 星期三

Bitcoin fever reaches Honduras with first cryptocurrency ATM


首設加密貨幣自動提款機 比特幣熱潮傳到宏都拉斯


The first cryptocurrency ATM in Honduras opened this week as bitcoin backers sought to spur demand for virtual assets after neighboring El Salvador became the first country to establish bitcoin as legal tender.


The machine allows users to acquire bitcoin and ethereum using the local lempira currency and was installed in an office tower in the capital of Tegucigalpa by Honduran firm TGU Consulting Group.


Juan Mayen, 28, chief executive of TGU, led the effort to bring the ATM to Honduras in hopes of educating people about virtual assets through first-hand experience. (Reuters)



fever:名詞,狂熱,興奮,熱衷。例句:Football fever swept across the country.(足球熱潮席捲全國。)

spur:動詞,激勵,鼓勵,刺激。例句:The manager spurred on his team to try harder.(總教練鼓勵他的隊員繼續多努力一下。)

first-hand:副詞或形容詞,直接的。例句:We have the firsthand account of the war.(我們有這場戰爭的第一手消息。)


2021年9月28日 星期二

Scientists are potty-training cows in a bid to help save the planet




If you can potty-train a child, you can potty-train a cow. At least, that was the theory a group of researchers in Germany decided to test, in a bid to find a solution to the environmental damage caused by livestock waste.


"It’s usually assumed that cattle are not capable of controlling defecation or urination," said Jan Langbein, co-author of a study published Monday in the journal Current Biology.


Farmed cattle produce roughly 66-88 pounds of feces and 8 gallons of urine each day and are free to relieve themselves where they please. However, the spread of their waste into the soil can have negative effects on the environment.


The main question for Langbein, an animal psychologist at the Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) in Germany, and his team was: "Why shouldn’t (cattle) be able to learn how to use a toilet? Animals are quite clever, and they can learn a lot." Langbein said in a statement.



in a bid to:片語,為了、試圖。例句:The boy stays away from the tent in a bid to give the girl some privacy.(男孩站得離帳篷遠遠的,好讓女孩有一點隱私。)

relieve oneself:原意是「放鬆自己」,俚語中則是「上廁所」的委婉說法。其他同義的婉稱還有︰go to the men’sladie’sroomrestroomwashroom wash one’s hands


The Timelessness of Bob Ross




With his unique hairstyle, Bob Ross was perhaps an unlikely TV star. But he became an internationally famous painter after his TV show aired. For over 10 years, his show, The Joy of Painting, taught viewers how to paint.

Even now, decades after the show’s last episode, people all over the world still watch it. Why? The main reason is Bob Ross. His gentle voice and kind appearance puts viewers at ease. He also talks positively throughout every episode.




unlikely a. 不太可能的

air vi.(電視或廣播)播放,播送

decade n. 十年




Nobel ceremonies marred by pandemic for second year



【摘要2021.9.26..自由】 周虹汶

The foundation that organises the Nobel Prizes said Thursday that for the second year in a row the winners in science and literature would receive their awards in their home countries, citing the Covid-19 pandemic.


The foundation added that a decision on the Peace Prize, which is traditionally awarded in Norway, had not been made yet.


The Nobel Committee "is still keeping open the possibility of welcoming the year’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate(s) to Oslo," it said.


It is to announce the format of the Oslo ceremony by mid-October.


The winners are announced in early October but are usually handed out at large, lavish ceremonies in the two Scandinavian capitals on December 10, the anniversary of the death of the prizes’ founder Alfred Nobel who died 1896.



mar:動詞,損毀、損傷。例句:The strip mining area mars the beauty of the mountains.(露天採礦區破壞了山區的美麗。)

in a row:片語,接連地,連續地。例句:Japan topped the list for the third year in a row.(日本連續三年名列榜首)

laureate:形容詞,戴桂冠的;享有殊榮的 名詞,桂冠詩人;得獎者。如a Nobel laureate諾貝爾得獎者。


2021年9月26日 星期日

IT phoned home: Storytelling box foils kindergarten thief




German police say they have solved a burglary case at a kindergarten after a storytelling gadget the suspect had swiped revealed his location.


Police said Tuesday that the 44-year-old suspect had stolen various items during a break-in at a kindergarten in the western town of Halver in April.


Among them were a laptop, picture books, cups and glasses, some fish sticks, pasta and a smart speaker for playing children’s stories.


When the man tried to download new stories onto the device a month later it sent his home location to the manufacturers, who informed police.


“He faces criminal charges,” district police spokesman Christof Huels told The Associated Press. AP



foil:名詞,指箔、金屬薄片、陪襯者、練劍術用的輕劍;動詞,指貼箔、擋開對方的劍頭、挫敗、阻擾。例句:The cynical character in the play is the perfect foil for the innocent Isablle.(劇中這個憤世嫉俗的角色正好襯托出伊莎貝爾的天真無邪。)

gadget:名詞,指小器具、小裝置、小玩意兒、小配件、詭計。例句:The room’s full of silly gadgets.(房裡盡是些不實用的小玩意兒。)

swipe:名詞,指強打、用力揮擊;動詞,擦碰、刷卡、手指在螢幕上滑動、扒竊、大口喝酒。例句:Stop swiping your credit cards . You are racking up a huge debt.(別亂刷卡了。你現在債台高築。)


2021年9月24日 星期五

Geisha facing dire straits as virus scares off Kyoto customers


病毒嚇跑京都顧客 藝妓面臨困境


Geisha and their "maiko" trainees are being forced out of work here as the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, shutting down parties where the traditional artists make their living entertaining guests by playing music and dancing.


Parties have been scrapped in all five major "kagai" traditional entertainment districts here, leading some of the women, collectively known as "geimaiko," to quit the business.


"Last year, I made only 10 percent of my usual income. I have to dip into my savings to pay my daily expenses," said a geisha based in the Kamishichiken district.


While maiko trainees are postponing their debuts, some geimaiko have chosen to leave the kagai districts, citing drastically reduced incomes and uncertainty about the future.



dire straits:慣用語, 困境,險境。

earn/make a/one’s living:片語,營生,謀生。例句:He earns his living driving a taxi in Taipei.(他在台北開計程車謀生。)

dip into:片語,隨便翻翻,瀏覽;動用,花費(部分積蓄)。例句:He dipped into his savings to buy a yacht.(他動用積蓄買了一艘遊艇。)


2021年9月23日 星期四

Ole! Spanish chef gives thumbs up to a robot-made paella




Spanish company BR5 has developed a robot that can cook paella. "Our goal is to travel around the world and be able to eat the same rice that we eat in our country," said founder Enrique Lillo.


"In my opinion it’s a wonderful tool, and ’Ole!’ for the developers," said Maria Munoz, paella chef and director of "Cocinea" gastronomy school after trying the robot-made paella.


The robot consists of an electronically controlled stove and a mechanical arm which puts the sauteed ingredients over the paella pan, adds the rice and then stirs it with a slotted spoon before pouring in the fish stock.


All ingredients have to be prepared in advance and are already measured for one paella. Once all the ingredients are in the pan, the robot stirs and shakes it constantly until it is done. (Reuters)



gastronomy:名詞,烹飪法。例句:Her goal is to become a world-class master of gastronomy.(她的目標是成為世界級烹飪大師。)

saute:動詞、名詞或形容詞,煎、煸、炒。例句:She is especially skilled in saute foods.(她特別擅長煎炒料理。)

slotted:形容詞,有溝槽的。例句:A slotted slice is a necessary kitchen tool.(有溝槽的鍋鏟是必要的廚房工具。)

Vaccine inequity remains Achilles’ heel of COVID-19 response in Americas-PAHO




The unequal distribution of vaccines which protect against COVID-19 is the weak point in efforts to combat the disease in the Americas, the Pan American Health Organization said on Wednesday.


"A handful of companies produce all the world’s supply of COVID-19 vaccines," PAHO Director Dr. Carissa Etienne said during the organization’s weekly virtual briefing.


"Many of them are letting price and country of origin, not need, determine how doses are rolled out, so much of today’s vaccine supply remains in the hands of wealthy nations around the world."


Countries are also suffering because of production delays, leaving them waiting for doses purchased months ago, she said. (Reuters)



Achilles’ heel:片語,致命傷,致命弱點。例句:Physics is my Achilles’ heel.(物理學是我的致命傷。)

supply:名詞,供應量;動詞,供應,提供。例句:Don’t be panic. We have a large supply of food.(不要驚慌,我們有大量的食物。)

roll out:片語,推出,實施。例句:The government will roll out a tax reform plan next week.(政府下週將推出一項稅制改革計畫。)