2021年3月30日 星期二

Why this teen set up a prize-winning fake cosmetics shop


Why this teen set up a prize-winning fake cosmetics shop



Disturbed by reports of rising domestic violence under coronavirus lockdown, a Polish high school student decided to launch a fake online shop to offer a lifeline to victims trapped in their homes.


Her idea won a European Union prize that came with €10,000.


"Firstly, I heard about the increase in domestic violence cases during the pandemic. Then I heard about a French initiative, where people go to the pharmacy and ask for a special mask that lets the pharmacist know they are a victim of domestic violence," Krystyna Paszko explained.


In April, Krystyna decided to launch the fake online shop "Camomiles and Pansies" to sell those cosmetics.


When a victim writes asking to buy a cream, a psychologist responds instead of a salesperson and asks how long the "skin problems" have been going on for.



lifeline:名詞,救生索、生命線。例句:The relief package offers lifeline to restaurants devastated by the pandemic.(紓困方案為遭疫情大流行衝擊的餐廳提供了救生索。)

domestic:形容詞,家庭的。例句:For a decade, she has done her domestic duty.(過去10年來,她已經盡了她的家庭責任。)

code:名詞,密碼、代碼。例句:I cannot break the code without a calculator.(沒有計算機,我無法破解密碼。)


Spain will experiment with four-day workweek, a first for Europe


開歐洲先河 西班牙將試行1週上班4


For years, advocates for a four-day workweek have argued that a compressed schedule could lead to more productivity and a better work-life balance — a perspective that has gained credence in some countries amid the coronavirus pandemic, which has wrought drastic changes to the way people work.


Spain is about to find out firsthand whether it works. The country is poised to become one of the first to experiment with a 32-hour workweek, which would allow workers to spend less time at the office without any change in pay.


Exactly what the pilot program will look like is unclear, nearly every detail was still up for negotiation, including how many companies will be involved and how long the experiment will last.



credence:名詞,相信、信任。例句:Do not give credence to all the gossip you hear.(不要相信你聽到的閒話。)

firsthand:副詞,第一手地,直接地。例句:I heard the news firsthand.(我直接聽到這消息。)

pilot;形容詞,(小規模)試驗性的。例句:This year we are trying a pilot scheme.(今年我們正在試驗一個小規模計畫。)


2021年3月27日 星期六

Piers Morgan doubles down on criticism of Meghan - and promises to return


Piers Morgan doubles down on criticism of Meghan - and promises to return-皮爾斯.摩根加碼批評梅根並誓言回鍋


British TV personality Piers Morgan on Wednesday doubled down on the criticism of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex in his typical style.


He dug in his heels, refused to apologize, and announced he’d be back.


"On Monday, I said I didn’t believe Meghan Markle in her Oprah Winfrey i terview. I’ve had time to reflect on this opinion, and I still don’t," he tweeted.


Morgan resigned on Tuesday after he seemingly crossed a line — not for the first time — when he said he "didn’t believe a word" Meghan told Winfrey in her interview alleging mistreatment by Buckingham Palace, specifically her assertion that she felt suicidal and was offered no help.



double down on something:慣用語,加碼,加倍做某事。例句:The President doubled down on his pledge to cut taxes in the prime-time TV interview.(總統在電視黃金時段的訪問中加碼誓言減稅。)

dig in one’s heels:慣用語,(罔顧他人勸告)堅持己見,一意孤行。例句:Furious young people in Burma dug in their heels, refusing to submit to military rule.(憤怒的緬甸年輕人堅持己見,拒絕屈從於軍事統治。)

cross a line:慣用語,越線,指出行動越線以致無法令人接受或不適當;行為不端、令人無法接受或不適當。


2021年3月26日 星期五

No roof to install solar panel ? Buy one at a park


No roof to install solar panel ? Buy one at a park



Lithuania is pioneering a scheme to allow city-dwellers who do not own the roof over their apartment blocks to buy solar panels located in special rural parks for their cheaper energy needs.


"You invest upfront, but then for the next 20-25 years you save on electricity costs," said Vytautas Plunksnis, who bought a 1.5 kw panel located at one solar park.


The park is situated next to an old decommissioned gas power plant which was blanketed in snow this week.


"It’s winter, there’s very little sun, so I cannot say that I have much savings, but I understand that most of my electricity will be generated in summertime," Plunksnis said. Reuters



install:動詞,安裝,任命、使就職,安頓。例句:The new president was installed yesterday.(新總統昨天就職。)

upfront:形容詞或副詞,預先、提前(支付);形容詞,坦率的。例句:She is very upfront about discussing her past.(她對討論她的過去非常坦率。)

blanket:動詞,以某物覆蓋;形容詞,綜合的,總括的。例句:The government imposed a blanket ban on demonstrations last night.(政府昨夜實施全面禁止示威的禁令。)   

長期咆哮兒童 恐影響孩童智力發展


Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4, 3rd mvmt



Daily Mails報導,科學團隊表示,吼叫等管教方式由於沒有實質上的身體接觸,因此常常被社會大眾認為只是較嚴苛的管教方式,而非虐待,但研究發現,即使是吼叫,長期下來也會嚴重傷害兒童腦部發展。




Study Finds報導,兒童受到身體或者性虐待,都會與未來長大成人後的情緒焦慮、精神疾病有關,但這份最新研究是第一個表明,即使沒有肢體傷害,語言傷害也會造成兒童腦部受損。

Danish Mayfly named 2021 insect of the year-


Danish Mayfly named 2021 insect of the year



The Danish Mayfly, whose scientific name is Ephemera danica, was selected as the Insect of the Year for 2021.

學名為Ephemera danica的丹麥蜉蝣,被選為2021年的年度昆蟲。

Mayflies have existed for about 355 million years and today some 140 species live in Central Europe. Despite their fleeting time on earth in their final form, their developmental cycle is quite long.


Female mayflies lay thousands of eggs under water between May and September every year. Larvae hatch within a few days, and eventually develop gills. Buried in riverbeds, they take between one to three years to develop.


Shortly before the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life, a layer of air forms between the old and new skin of the larvae. By reducing its specific weight, the larva rises to the water surface.


Once there, the larval skin bursts and within a few seconds a flyable mayfly hatches. With no mouth parts nor an intestine, the fully developed mayfly has only a few days then to mate and lay new eggs before it dies.





entomologist:名詞,昆蟲學家。例句:Only entomologists can distinguish dangerous mosquitoes from harmless ones.(只有昆蟲學家能區分危險和無害蚊子。)

fleeting:形容詞,轉瞬的。例句:The witness only got a fleeting glimpse of the suspect.(目擊者僅瞬間瞥到嫌犯。)

larvae:名詞,幼蟲(larva)的複數形。例句:The tadpole is the larva of the frog.(蝌蚪是青蛙的幼蟲。)


2021年3月24日 星期三

WHO: 1 in 4 people projected to have hearing problems by 2050




Nearly 2.5 billion people worldwide ─ or 1 in 4 people ─ will be living with some degree of hearing loss by 2050, warns the World Health Organization’s (WHO) first World Report on Hearing, released Tuesday. At least 700 million of these people will require access to ear and hearing care and other rehabilitation services unless action is taken.


"Our ability to hear is precious. Untreated hearing loss can have a devastating impact on people’s ability to communicate, to study and to earn a living. It can also impact on people’s mental health and their ability to sustain relationships," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.


Investment in ear and hearing care has been shown to be cost-effective: WHO calculates that governments can expect a return of nearly $16 for every $1 invested.



rehabilitation:名詞,修復、恢復。例句:Thomas will need to do months of physical rehabilitation after a knee surgery.(湯馬斯在膝蓋手術後需要做數月的身體復健。)

devastating:形容詞,毀滅性的;破壞性極大的;令人震驚的。例句:A smouldering cigarette can kindle a devastating bushfire.(悶燃著的香菸會引起毀滅性的林區大火。)

cost-effective:形容詞,划算的,有成本效益的。例句:The procedure has been proved to be cost-effective.(這套製程已經證實是有成本效益的。)