2021年3月7日 星期日

66 people rescued from ice floes adrift on Wisconsin bay


66 people rescued from ice floes adrift on Wisconsin bay


【摘要2021.3.6. 自由】周虹汶

The U.S. Coast Guard and several other agencies rescued 66 people stranded on ice floes in a bay in northeastern Wisconsin.


Ice boats and helicopters were used to bring the people who were ice fishing to safety Thursday in Door County. Three separate ice floes broke away after cracks developed between the shore and groups of people, the Coast Guard said.


High winds associated with an approaching winter storm pushed the floes further from shore. No one was injured.


Coast Guard Ice Rescue teams from Sturgeon Bay, Coast Guard Cutter Mobile Bay, two helicopters from Traverse City, Michigan, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and local government agencies assisted in the rescue, which took four hours to complete. AP



adrift:形容詞,指漂流的、隨波逐流的、漫無目的的、漂泊無依的。例句:Something seems to have gone adrift in his calculations.(他的計算好像有地方出問題。)

strand:名詞,指繩線、海灘、湖濱;動詞,指弄斷繩索一或多股、擱淺、處於困境。例句:There are two distinguishable strands.(有兩種明顯不同的情況。)

crack:動詞,指破裂、身心疲憊、出現隔閡、失敗;動詞,指裂開、非法入侵電腦系統、解決問題、發出爆裂聲、嗓音變嘶啞、開玩笑。例句:You’re always cracking jokes.(您老愛說笑。)



