2020年11月30日 星期一

Wanted: Czech hunter reports rifle-stealing deer to police


Wanted: Czech hunter reports rifle-stealing deer to police



Czech police are seeking help in an unusual case after a deer turned the tables on the hunters and snagged a pursuer’s rifle on his antlers before running away.


The deer, frightened by a dog, ran toward one of the hunting party, tore his sleeve and caught a strap of a 0.22 Hornet rifle on his antlers, police said on Tuesday.


"The rifle, which the hunter had slung over his left arm - fortunately without ammo - slipped on the deer’s antlers and disappeared with him," the police said.


"The hunters searched the forest but did not find the gun. He had no other choice than to report the incident to the police," the police said, adding anyone who finds the weapon should contact authorities. (Reuters)



turn the table on:片語,指扭轉局面、轉佔上風。例句:He turned the tables on his rival with allegations of corruption.(他指控對手貪污,扭轉了原本不利自身的局勢。)

snag:名詞,指斷枝、缺牙、暴牙、暗樁、意料不到的障礙;動詞,指加以阻撓、擱淺、出現麻煩、快速尋獲、抓住。例句:Financial problems have snagged the project for the past year.(過去一年來,財務問題一直困擾著這項計畫。)

sling:名詞,指投石器、彈弓、吊索、槍背帶;動詞,指用投石器投擲石塊、拋扔。例句:They slung stones at her.(他們朝她扔石頭。)


2020年11月28日 星期六

’We couldn’t believe our eyes’: Puppy swallows stick half the length of its body


’We couldn’t believe our eyes’: Puppy swallows stick half the length of its body



A nine-month old puppy named Rocky has been saved after swallowing a stick half the length of his body.


The crossbreed was taken to Southampton Pet Hospital by his owner after suffering "severe sickness", vet charity PDSA said. A team of vets then worked to remove the 25cm stick during an hour-long emergency operation.


Vet Zofia Bauman said she had never seen anything like it, "Given its length, and his size, it’s a wonder it hadn’t punctured his vital organs and caused fatal injuries."


Owner Joanna said her pet was "being sick repeatedly and couldn’t keep any food down" before she called for help. "We knew Rocky was very likely to have eaten something he shouldn’t have, but we couldn’t believe our eyes when we discovered the stick during surgery."BBC



swallow:動詞,吞嚥。例句:I had to struggle to swallow the whole meatloaf.(我很費力地吞下整塊肉捲。)

crossbreed:動詞或名詞,使雜交繁育;雜交品種。例句:We try to crossbreed the two fruits as an experiment.(我們試著做實驗,使這兩種水果雜交繁育。)

puncture:動詞,刺穿。例句:She used a screwdriver to puncture holes on the cardboard.(她用螺絲起子在紙板上鑽洞。)


’CIA’-like street food vendors first on scene to feed Thai protesters


’CIA’-like street food vendors first on scene to feed Thai protesters



With an intelligence network so good they have been compared to the CIA, Thai street vendors are often first on the scene at "guerilla" democracy protests in Bangkok, where they hawk sour pork and fishballs to a democracy-hungry crowd.


After a government crackdown last week, protest groups have begun keeping the venues for their demonstrations secret until the last minute, in a bid to outsmart authorities.


But protesters have quickly noticed that they are often second on the scene, behind food vendors setting up their carts and readying themselves for a busy night of brisk sales.


Meatball seller Rattapol Sukpa says he stays ahead of the curve by monitoring Facebook for hints of the latest locations, and is in constant contact with other vendors who tip each other off. AFP



hawk:動詞,沿街叫賣。例句:Vendors hawk souvenirs to tourists around the temples.(小販在廟周圍向觀光客兜售紀念品。)

in a bid to:片語,為了,嘗試做某事。例句:In a bid to sway undecided voters, the lawmakers announced a bipartisan plan to deter Chin’s influence.(為了動搖心意未決的選民,議員宣佈一套跨黨派方案遏制中國的影響力。)

outsmart:動詞,鬥智勝過。例句:We must gather as much information as possible in order to outsmart our competitors.(為了智取我們的競爭對手,我們必須儘量收集充足資訊。)


兩岸房市表現突出 要避免失控

 Pot-Pourri - Rivers of Babylon _ Sugar Sugar _ 


【摘要2020.11.25.中時 劉佩真】不同於SARS疫情的情境,2020年國內不動產業景氣展現韌性,主要係因資金充沛、超低利率、投資保值需求而使得表現優於預期,全年建物買賣移轉件數預計有機會達到31.5萬件,成長力道為中個位數,全台房價則呈現微幅上揚的態勢,商用不動產中又以土地市場交易最為活絡,同時台北市辦公室租賃持續為供不應求的狀態,且2020年第3季台北市除了年租金為亞太地區成長排名第二外,也是唯一年空置率下降的城市。








2020年11月25日 星期三

Students In Bali Can Pay Tuition Fees With Coconuts Amid Pandemic


Students In Bali Can Pay Tuition Fees With Coconuts Amid Pandemic

疫病大流行期間 峇里島學生可用椰子繳學費


A hospitality college in Bali, Indonesia, has begun accepting coconuts as tuition payment as students face economic hardship as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.


When students at the Venus One Tourism Academy pay their fees with coconuts, the college will use them to harvest virgin coconut oil, UPI reported.


Alternatively, students can pay with leaves from other selected tropical plants which can be converted into herbal soap and be sold to raise money for the academy.


"Initially, the tuition payment scheme was paid in three installments, with the first installment at 50 per cent, the second 20 at per cent and the third at 30 per cent," Venus One Tourism Academy’s director Wayan Pasek Adi Putra told local news outlet Bali Puspa News.

金星一號餐旅學院校長普特拉告訴當地媒體《Bali Puspa新聞》表示,「原本學費繳交分3期,第一期繳50%,第二期20%,第三期則是30%」。


tuition︰名詞,學費。例句:His yearly tuition is $15,000.(他每年的學費是15000美元。)

convert into:變換、轉換成,如convert water into ice(把水變成冰)。convert to亦可指使人改變原有的(宗教)信仰,如convert him to Islam(使他改信伊斯蘭教)。

installment:名詞,分期付款。例句:My father bought a TV set on instalments.(我父親用分期付款方式買電視機。)

Boy, 4, loses both parents to coronavirus just months apart


Boy, 4, loses both parents to coronavirus just months apart

4歲男孩因武漢肺炎 數個月內相繼失去雙親


At just 4 years old, Raiden Gonzalez has lost both his parents. Coronavirus stole their lives four months apart, leaving Raiden with only a few years’ worth of memories to cherish for a lifetime.


With Raiden’s birthday on Sunday, Margie Bryant the boy’s great-aunt and her family wanted to find a way to make sure the boy knows how much he is loved, especially in the absence of his parents.


A "wave and roar" dinosaur-themed drive-by parade is set for November 28, organized by Bryant, who lives in Houston.


"It’s a milestone birthday," Bryant said. "We just want him (Raiden) to know that we’re going to be there for all of his birthdays and make sure he’s celebrated, and I know my niece has the cheesiest grin because she knows her boy is in good hands."



apart:副詞,相隔、相距。例句:Harry and his son stand 2 meters apart.(哈利與他的兒子站在相距2公尺的位置。)

cherish:動詞,珍藏、懷念(記憶、希望)。例句:I will cherish the memories of the time you belonged with me. (我會懷念那段你陪伴在我身邊的回憶。)

grin:名詞,露齒的笑。例句:He gave me a big grin before leaving home.(在離開家之前,他給了我一個大大的露齒笑。)


2020年11月23日 星期一

眼科醫師 保護眼睛~第一名是「水煮蛋」







Three Taiwanese Melodies 台灣民謠組曲:桃花過渡 雨夜花 高山青


Three Taiwanese Melodies 台灣民謠組曲:桃花過渡 雨夜花 高山青






【最好聽的歌】施孝榮 俠客


【最好聽的歌】施孝榮 俠客






Turkmenistan erects giant gilded dog monument


Turkmenistan erects giant gilded dog monument



A huge gilded statue of a dog has been unveiled on a busy traffic circle in the capital of Turkmenistan by the country’s longtime leader, who has also written an ode to the local breed and gifted one to Russian President Vladimir Putin.


The statue, with a screen showing Turkmenistan’s beloved Alabai dogs in action wrapped around the pedestal, joins another on a different major junction, also coated in gold, of President Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov himself, seated on a horse.


Dogs and horses are sources of national pride in the isolated desert nation, where they are widely used by the many traditional herders among the population of six million.


The large, stocky breed is known as wolf crusher for its prowess in guarding sheep and goats and is also used to guard homes and for dog fights, a popular entertainment in Turkmenistan. Reuters



in action:片語,指積極活動中、戰鬥中、運轉中。例句:They were killed in action.(他們在戰鬥中陣亡了。)

stocky:形容詞,指男子結實的、矮壯的。例句:The suspect is about 30 years old, wearing glasses, with a stocky build.(嫌犯年約30、戴眼鏡、體格矮壯。)

prowess:名詞,指英勇、好本事、不凡技能、卓越。例句:He is ready to demonstrate his prowess.(他準備好要大顯身手了。)