2020年11月28日 星期六

’CIA’-like street food vendors first on scene to feed Thai protesters


’CIA’-like street food vendors first on scene to feed Thai protesters



With an intelligence network so good they have been compared to the CIA, Thai street vendors are often first on the scene at "guerilla" democracy protests in Bangkok, where they hawk sour pork and fishballs to a democracy-hungry crowd.


After a government crackdown last week, protest groups have begun keeping the venues for their demonstrations secret until the last minute, in a bid to outsmart authorities.


But protesters have quickly noticed that they are often second on the scene, behind food vendors setting up their carts and readying themselves for a busy night of brisk sales.


Meatball seller Rattapol Sukpa says he stays ahead of the curve by monitoring Facebook for hints of the latest locations, and is in constant contact with other vendors who tip each other off. AFP



hawk:動詞,沿街叫賣。例句:Vendors hawk souvenirs to tourists around the temples.(小販在廟周圍向觀光客兜售紀念品。)

in a bid to:片語,為了,嘗試做某事。例句:In a bid to sway undecided voters, the lawmakers announced a bipartisan plan to deter Chin’s influence.(為了動搖心意未決的選民,議員宣佈一套跨黨派方案遏制中國的影響力。)

outsmart:動詞,鬥智勝過。例句:We must gather as much information as possible in order to outsmart our competitors.(為了智取我們的競爭對手,我們必須儘量收集充足資訊。)


