2022年12月31日 星期六

Real snowbird in Southern California? Snowy owl to be exact




Snowbirds are a common sight in Southern California in wintertime. A snowy owl to be exact.


Crowds of bird-watchers have been showing up regularly in an Orange County neighborhood to gawk at a snowy owl, a species normally found around the Arctic, Canada and several northern U.S. states.


It’s current home is a rooftop perch in the balmy city of Cypress.


“It is absolutely unique as a bird observation,” Vic Leipzig, who teaches birding at Saddleback College, told The Orange County Register this week.


The newspaper reported that local bird experts speculated that the owl could have arrived in Southern California aboard a ship or could be a captive bird that escaped.AP



gawk:名詞,指呆頭呆腦的人;動詞,指呆頭呆腦地看、無禮地瞪眼看、張口瞠目。例句:People came to gawk.(民眾趕來看熱鬧。)

perch:動詞,指坐在邊緣上、棲息於、停留於;名詞,指鱸魚、鳥的棲息處、能很好地俯視低處的高處。例句:The village is perched on top of a hill.(村子坐落於一座山丘頂處。)

captive:名詞,指俘虜、囚徒、獵獲物、著迷的人、受控制的人;形容詞,指被俘的、受監禁的、受控制的、被迷住的。例句:He was a captive to your charms.(他被妳的魅力擄獲了。)

2022年12月30日 星期五

Chaucer the Rapist? Newly Discovered Documents Suggest Not.




For nearly 150 years, a cloud has hung over the reputation of Geoffrey Chaucer, the author of “The Canterbury Tales,” long seen as the founder of the English literary canon.


A court document discovered in 1873 suggested that around 1380, Chaucer had been charged with raping Cecily Chaumpaigne, the daughter of a London baker.


But this week, two scholars stunned the world of Chaucer studies with previously unknown documents that they say show that the “raptus” document was not in fact related to an accusation of rape against Chaucer at all.



a cloud hangs over somebody/something:慣用語,指某人或某事物籠罩在不被信賴、負面、悲觀或不確定的感覺下;烏雲罩頂;憂心忡忡。例句:Since an investigation found the American teenager Hans Niemann has benefited from “illegal assistance” in more than 100 online chess games, a cloud of suspicion has hung over the sport.(打從調查發現美國青少年漢斯˙尼曼在超過100場線上西洋棋比賽中靠「非法協助」獲益後,該項運動便疑雲罩頂)。


stun:動詞,使吃驚,使目瞪口呆。例句:We were all stunned at his sudden resignation.(我們大家都被他的突然去職給驚呆了。)


Let’s Go Curling!


In fact, every curling stone used in every Olympics since the 2006 games in Turin, Italy, has been made of stone sourced from Ailsa Craig. Why? Because the granite found on the island is known to be the hardest and purest in the entire world. The World Curling Federation won’t use stones from anywhere else in its worldwide competitions. The only curling stone company that has the rights to the rocks on Ailsa Craig is Kays of Scotland.


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事實上,從 2006 年義大利杜林冬奧開始,每屆奧運使用的石壺都是由艾爾薩岩產的石頭製造的。為什麼呢?因為這座島上發現的花崗岩被認為是全世界最堅硬且最純淨的。世界冰壺聯盟在其全球性比賽中不會使用來自其他任何地方的石壺。唯一一家有權在艾爾薩岩上採石的冰壺石公司為蘇格蘭凱斯。


source vt.(從特定來源)獲得(商品、零件)

This skirt is sourced from recycled items.

pure a. 純淨的,純潔的

competition n. 競賽

免費線上聽外師朗讀 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97

2022年12月29日 星期四

New Zealand property owner stands out with “buy my house, get free Tesla”offer


與眾不同 紐西蘭屋主喊出「買房子送特斯拉」條件

【摘要2022-12-29 .自由】孫宇青

A New Zealand property owner is hoping to stand out from other sellers by offering a free Tesla to the person who buys their home.


The house - a seven-bedroom, five-bathroom property - has reportedly been on the market for weeks. The owner has thrown in the offer of a new car to try to sweeten the $1.8m deal.


New Zealand house prices have seen their biggest drop in 30 years and were down 10.9% in October - their 11th consecutive month of falling.


"Rising mortgage rates continue to weigh on house prices and sale activity," said Kiwibank economists.


After purchasing the property, the new owner would get to pick the car’s color - the Tesla Model Y has five options - and it will then be ordered and shipped straight from the manufacturer.

在買下房屋後,新屋主還得從特斯拉Model Y型號的5種顏色中挑出1種,製造商接獲訂單後就會直接把車送上門。


stand out:慣用片語,顯眼、出眾。例句:Of all the applicants, Brenda stood out as the best one.(在所有申請人中,布蘭達顯然是最佳人選。)

on the market:慣用片語,待售;上市。例句:Bennett will put his house on the market next week.(班奈特下週會出售他的房子。)

sweeten:動詞,使變甜;使更誘人。例句:Baylor added in an apple to sweeten the curry.(貝勒在咖哩中加入1顆蘋果,使滋味更甜。)


Let’s Go Curling!

【摘要2022-12-29 .壹蘋】

Curling involves two teams of four players, who are led by a “skip,” or team captain. Each team member throws two stones per round. They throw from the “hack,” something like a runner’s starting block, towards the house. The house is a big circular target, and the goal is to get your stones as close to the center as possible. While one player throws, two other players furiously sweep the ice in front of the stone to help it travel farther and straighter.

Playvolume00:00/00:00壹蘋10點強打|秦良丰痛捨4年戀情 1600天傘兵奇蹟全靠「就是拼了」|壹蘋新聞網TruvidfullScreen

冰壺由兩隊各四人組成,各隊由「主將」或隊長領導。每隊的成員會在每局投擲兩次石壺。他們從「踏板」── 一個類似賽跑起跑架的東西,向大本營推擲。大本營是一個龐大的圓形標的物,而目標就是要使己方的石壺盡可能地靠近其中心點。一個選手推擲時,會有其他兩個選手瘋狂地將石壺前方的冰掃除,以幫助它滑行得更遠更直。


captain n. 隊長,領隊

target n. 目標,對象

as + Adj./Adv. + as possible 盡量地盡可能地……

If you get lost, shout as loudly as possible.

sweep vt. 掃除

免費線上聽外師朗讀 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97



Stowaways survive 11 days at sea by clinging to rudder of oil tanker


(偷渡客攀附在油輪船舵上 在海上撐了11天)


Three men have been rescued from the rudder of an oil tanker after spending 11 days crossing the Atlantic Ocean.


The men spent nearly two weeks at sea after the Alithini II left Lagos, Nigeria, according to MarineTraffic, a website that tracks shipping.

根據追蹤船隻動向的「海事交通」網站資料,這3人在這艘「艾里西尼二世」(Alithini II)離開奈及利亞拉哥斯後,在海上度過將近兩週。

Spanish authorities tweeted a picture of the stowaways, showing them perched together on the rudder apparently unable to lie down or even sit up straight due to the limited amount of space under the hull of the ship.


The Spanish coastguard picked up the men as the tanker was anchored in the port of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.



stowaway:名詞,偷渡者;動詞用法:stow away。例句:The police found a stowaway on the ship.(警方在船上發現一名偷渡客。)

pick sb./sth. up:片語,接人、救起,取(物)。例句:I’ll pick the children up from school.(我會去學校接小孩。)

Your Best Companion on a Road Trip: Beethoven
古典樂 電動車 節能減碳?Recently, South Korean car company Kia


carried out a study on how the music that people listen to in cars affects their driving patterns. In a Kia electric car, drivers with no previous experience with electric vehicles drove a 30-kilometer route with traffic jams, winding country roads, and a long, straight road. All of the drivers were listening to fixed playlists at the same volume and were hooked up to wearable devices that recorded their measurements. The playlist included Beethoven, Adele, Kanye West, The Weeknd, and more.



carry out... 執行進行……(計畫等)

The hospital is carrying out tests to find out what’s wrong with Clay.

winding a. 曲折的

volume n. 音量

be hooked up to... ……連接

免費線上聽外師朗讀 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97


Philippine artist creates paintings using his own blood




The 52-year-old Philippine artist Elito Circa uses blood taken from his own veins to create canvas paintings, which has drawn both praise and criticism because of his unusual choice of medium.


Born in a low-income household with little access to school supplies and art materials, Circa explored different mediums, but it was when he scraped himself as a young boy that his fascination with using blood began.


Now, Circa goes to the town’s health clinic once every three months to have his blood extracted, usually in increments of 500 ml, which he stores in a cooler in his studio.


Circa has set his sights on a more ambitious project - to create in 2023 the largest "blood painting" ever on a 100-metre canvas, setting a world record.



canvas : 名詞,油畫,油畫布、帆布。例句,Claude Monet’s canvas "Le Parlement, soleil couchant" was sold for 75,960,000 USD.(莫內的油畫「國會大廈,落日」以7596萬美元賣出。)

set sights on:片語,立志,著眼於。例句,She set her sights on becoming the first woman president of the United States.(她立志成為美國首位女總統。)