2022年12月19日 星期一

France to make condoms free at pharmacies for those aged 18-25




French President Emmanuel Macron said Thursday that condoms would be made available for free in pharmacies for 18- to 25-year-olds in a bid to reduce unwanted pregnancies among young people.


"It’s a small revolution for contraception," Macron said during a health debate with young people in Fontaine-le-Comte, a suburb of Poitiers in western France.


The move comes as health authorities have observed an increase in sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, in recent years. But it is also part of a broader public health campaign that has led France to expand free access to contraception and screening for sexually transmitted diseases.



bid:名詞,企圖、努力、爭取。例句:They have been locked in discussion in a bid to find a compromise.(他們不斷商討,試圖尋求妥協方案。)

contraception:名詞,避孕。例句:Not ready to raise a baby, they strictly practice contraception.(因為還沒準備好養育小孩,他們嚴格避孕。)

sexually transmitted disease:常縮寫為STD,指經由性接觸而傳染的疾病(性病)。


The Christmas Pig



Christmas is a time for joy and celebration, but Jack in J.K. Rowling' s The Christmas Pig isn' t happy at all. Dur Pig, his favorite toy, is missing. When Dur Pig, DP for short, can' t be found, Jack' s stepsister gets Jack a new toy pig, the Christmas Pig. However, Jack doesn' t want a replacement pig and becomes very angry. He even tries to destroy the Christmas Pig. Later that night, Jack hears voices talking in his bedroom. The objects in his room are alive and talking about how to save DP.

聖誕節是歡樂和慶祝的時刻,但是在 J.K. 羅琳《聖誕小豬》中的傑克卻一點也不開心。他最心愛的玩具德兒豬不見了。當找不到德兒豬(簡稱 DP)時,傑克的繼姐給傑克一隻新的玩具豬聖誕小豬。然而,傑克不想要一隻替代的小豬,所以他變得非常生氣。他甚至想破壞聖誕小豬。那天稍晚,傑克聽到他房間內有說話的聲音。他房內的物品全都活了過來,且在討論如何拯救 DP

not. . . at all
一點也不. . .
for short
object n.
alive a.

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