2021年5月31日 星期一

Indian Bride Shuts Down Wedding After Groom Fails Her Math Test




An Indian bride canceled her wedding after her groom recited the multiplication table of two incorrectly.


A bride and groom who wish to remain unidentified were supposed to have the wedding for their arranged marriage on May 1 in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India.


Skeptical of her future husband’s educational background, the bride decided to test his knowledge during the ceremony.


When he failed to recite the multiplication table of two, the bride left, "saying that she could not marry someone who did not know basic math," reported INQUIRER.net.


The bride’s cousin stated that the groom’s family did not inform them of his lack of education, adding that the bride was "brave" for leaving the wedding venue.


The two families came to a compromise which included returning all gifts and jewelry to the appropriate parties.



shuts down:片語,關閉;停工;歇業。例句: his factory has been shut down.(這間工廠停工了。)

recite:動詞,背誦;朗誦。例句:Her little daugter likes reciting poetry in public.(她的小女兒喜歡當眾背誦詩歌。)

skeptical:形容詞,懷疑的、無神論的。例句:He is skeptical of the new claim.(他對這項新主張抱持懷疑態度。)


2021年5月30日 星期日

Seattle startup rolling out new coffee product without coffee beans




There’s a new guilt-free product underway that is planning to perk up the coffee industry.


Seattle-based Atomo Coffee Inc. is grinding up what it dubs as coffeeless coffee - derived from sunflower seed husks and watermelon seeds, which undergo a patented chemical process.


The processing of such ingredients results into molecules that set out to mimic the flavor and feel of real java.


The product’s grounds are brewed just like a regular cup of coffee and will still contain caffeine.


The company cites the devastating effects of climate change and the deforestation of approximately 250,000 acres of per year as the catalyst behind its ’’naturally derived ingredients’’ delivering ’’the same great coffee experience without the negative environmental impacts.’’



perk up:動詞,改善、振作。例句:Those skills can perk up your homemade cake.(這些技巧可以改善你的自製蛋糕。)

grind:動詞,把磨成粉。例句:He grinds a little pepper over his sandwich.(他在他的三明治上磨了一點胡椒粉。)

catalyst:名詞,契機、催化劑。例句:The pandemic acted as a catalyst for change in insurance industry.(這場大流行促成了保險業的變革。)


Vax and scratch: NY offers $5M lottery for newly vaccinated




Anyone who gets vaccinated at select state-run vaccination sites in New York next week will receive a lottery scratch ticket with prizes potentially worth millions, as Gov. Andrew Cuomo tries to boost slowing vaccination rates.


The pilot program will offer prizes from $20 up to $5 million and run from Monday, May 24 to Friday, May 28 at 10 state-run sites.


The governor said there’s a one in nine chance of winning a scratch ticket prize in New York, which is joining other states, including Ohio, with similar lottery incentives. Only residents 18 and older are eligible.


New York also plans to set up pop-up vaccination sites at seven airports across the state for U.S. residents, including airport workers. AP



scratch:動詞,指抓、搔、擦、劃、使退賽、取消原計畫。例句:They scratched the horse from the race because he had become lame.(這匹馬因為跛了腳,他們讓牠退出比賽。)

boost:動詞,指改善、提高、增強、推動。例句:Passing the driving test was such a boost to her confidence.(通過駕駛執照考試讓她信心大增。)

pop-up:形容詞,指機器或圖書等有部分構造可從內向外推出的、在臨時地點快速設置,只短期運作的(商店和餐館等)。pop up為片語動詞,指突然出現、突然發生。例句:He is popping up everywhere.(他到處露臉。)


Matthew McConaughey, governor of Texas? Voters seem all right with the idea, a poll found.




A new poll may put some wind in the actor Matthew McConaughey’s sails as he considers whether to run for governor of Texas.


Forty-five percent of the state’s voters said that they would vote for Mr. McConaughey if he were to challenge Gov. Greg Abbott next year, according to the poll, conducted by The Dallas Morning News and the University of Texas, Tyler.


An additional 33 percent of voters said they would support the incumbent.


The actor has repeatedly flirted with running for governor, though he has not said whether he would run as a Republican or a Democrat.



all right with someone or something:慣用語,同意、接受某人或某事;對某人或某事感到滿意。例句:It’s all right with me if you want to go out with my ex-husband.(你要跟我前夫約會,我OK啊。)

put wind in someone’s sails:慣用語,給某人的帆加一陣風,意指讓某人有信心去做某事,助某人一臂之力。反面用法為take the wind out of someone’s sails,(通常是藉由做些出乎意料的事來)讓某人更沒信心或更無法堅定意志去做某事。例句:It took the wind out of her sails to learn that her internet romance was a scam.(她發現她的網戀是一場騙局後大為洩氣。)



2021年5月25日 星期二

Scientists have taught bees to smell the coronavirus


Scientists have taught bees to smell the coronavirus


【摘要2021/05/24 自由】陳成良

Scientists in the Netherlands have trained bees to identify COVID-19 through their sense of smell, according to a press release from Wageningen University.


The research was conducted on more than 150 bees in Wageningen University’s bio-veterinary research laboratory.


The scientists trained the bees by giving them a treat — a sugar-water solution — every time they were exposed to the scent of a mink infected with COVID-19. Each time the bees were exposed to a non-infected sample, they wouldn’t get a reward.


Eventually, the bees could identify an infected sample within a few seconds — and would then stick out their tongues like clockwork to collect the sugar water.


Bees aren’t the first animals to detect COVID-19 by scent. Researchers have also trained dogs to distinguish between positive and negative COVID-19 samples from human saliva or sweat with fairly high levels of accuracy.

蜜蜂不是第一種透過氣味識別COVID-19的動物。研究人員也曾訓練狗區分來自人類唾液或汗液的陽性和陰性COVID-19樣本 ,準確率相當高。


treat:名詞,招待;獎勵。例句:It’s my treat.(我請客。)

expose:動詞,暴露。例句:He damaged his leg so badly in the accident that the bone was exposed.(他在意外中大腿受重傷,骨頭都露出來了。)

clockwork:名詞,鐘錶裝置;發條裝置。例句:After the clockwork of the watch was cleaned, the watch kept perfect time.(那只手錶的發條裝置擦乾淨後,走起來就非常精確了。)


2021年5月23日 星期日

Dracula’s castle’ offers tourists Covid shots



【摘要2021/05/23 自由】黃靖媗

Visitors to Romania’s forbidding Bran Castle are being jabbed with needles rather than vampiric fangs this weekend in a coronavirus vaccination drive.


Those who take the jab are handed a certificate hailing theirboldness and responsibilitypromising they will be welcome at the castlefor the coming 100 years as well as offered a free tour of thetorture chamber.


Nestled in a misty valley in the Carpathian mountains, Bran Castle is associated with the 15th-century Romanian prince Vlad Dracula.


Dracula author Bram Stoker is believed to have been inspired by Vlad and descriptions of Bran Castle when writing his 1897 novel that helped found the modern vampire genre.



nestle:動詞,位於、坐落於。例句:The wood cabin nestled between two stunning beaches.(這間小木屋坐落於兩個漂亮的海灘之間。)

misty:形容詞,多霧的、有霧的。例句:She waked up in the misty morning.(她在起霧的早晨中醒來。)

genre:名詞,體裁、風格、類型。例句:My favorite film genre is horror flick.(我最喜歡的電影類型是恐怖片。)


Would you wash with snail slime soap?



【摘要2021/05/22 自由】周虹汶

Foamy slime bubbles onto Damien Desrocher’s hand as he lightly rubs one of the thousands of snails he keeps in an enclosure in his backyard.


The 28-year-old French artisan began using the gastropod fluid to make soap bars, which he sells in local markets, in December.


’’It’s all in the dexterity of how you tickle,’’ Desrocher said as he extracted the slime, noting that the process does not kill the animals.


He has raised a total of 60,000 snails. A single snail will yield about 2 grams of slime, meaning he needs around 40 snails to produce 80 grams - enough to manufacture 15 100-gram soap bars. Reuters



bubble:名詞,指氣泡、泡沫;動詞,指冒泡。例句:I hear the soup bubbling away in the pot.(我聽到鍋裡湯在冒泡的聲音。)

dexterity:名詞,指純熟、嫻熟、靈巧、敏捷。例句:She played the piano with dexterity.(她以純熟指法彈奏鋼琴。)

tickle:動詞,指呵癢、逗笑、使快樂、怕癢、觸、撥、彈、用手抓住、喚起;名詞,指搔癢、癢感、讓人癢的東西。例句:His self-esteem was immediately tickled.(他的自尊心立刻被激起。)