2020年2月29日 星期六

Spain uncovers underground counterfeit cigarette factory 西班牙破獲地下偽造香菸工廠

Spanish police have on Thursday uncovered a counterfeit cigarette factory in a bunker four meters underground in the town of Moran in the southern province of Malaga, and rescued six Ukrainian workers who were trapped inside.
When officers entered the undercover factory, they found six workers inside who were having serious difficulties breathing because the electric generator that was used to pump air into the bunker had run out of gas.
Police had arrested 20 people who are suspected of running the operation earlier and none of the suspects told officers that still six Ukrainian workers were still locked inside it, leaving them "abandoned to their fate."
They tried to scream and bang on the container blocking the exit, but officers on the surface could not hear their calls for help because the installation was soundproof.
Europol suspects the criminal group distributed the cigarettes made there on the European black market.(AFP)
counterfeit:形容詞或名詞,仿冒(品)。例句:Any counterfeit note is sure to be traced.(任何假鈔絕對會被查出。)
bunker:名詞,地下碉堡。例句:This was a bunker built in Japanese-ruled period.(這是建於日治時期的地下碉堡。)
soundproof:形容詞或動詞,隔音的。例句:We need a fully-soundproofed studio.(我們需要一間完全隔音的工作室。)


FaceApp is a photo filtering app that uses artificial intelligence to make realistic changes to photos, usually selfies. The app first became popular in 2017, when it peaked at around 80 million users. In 2019, its popularity jumped again when the FaceApp Challenge became popular.
Public figures uploaded photos using the app’s aging filter. It was fun to see how some of the world’s most recognizable people might look when they become old.
FaceApp 是一款照片濾鏡應用程式,使用人工智慧為照片做出逼真的修圖,且通常是修自拍照。這款應用程式首次變得受到歡迎是在 2017 年,當時它的使用者達到約八千萬人的高峰。2019 年,「變臉挑戰」變流行時,它的人氣也再度高漲。
harmless a. 無害的;無惡意的
The joke was harmless. Don’t take it seriously.
peak vi. 達到頂峰,達到最大值
Official figures show that unemployment peaked in September.

2020年2月27日 星期四

Penguins’ speech patterns are similar to humans, a new study finds新研究:企鵝語言模式似人類

In most human languages, the most frequently used words are short. It turns out the same thing goes for penguins too.
A team of researchers based in Italy have found "compelling evidence" that African penguins use the same speech patterns as we do the first time this has been found in an animal other than a primate.
義大利一個研究團隊發現「令人信服的證據」,證明非洲企鵝與我們使用相同的語言模式 ,這是首度在靈長類以外的動物身上有此發現。
The team recorded 590 breeding calls known as "ecstatic display songs." They were sung by single birds during the mating season, from 28 adult African penguins in three different colonies in Italian zoos.
The songs’ sounds are similar to the bray of a donkey, according to the paper which published Tuesday, and are responsible for the flightless birds’ less-than-flattering nicknamethe jackass penguin.
根據週二刊登的研究報告,這些鳴叫聽來很像驢子叫,這種不會飛的鳥類因此得到「公驢企鵝」( jackass penguin)這個令人不敢恭維的暱稱。
The study found that the vocal sequences contained three distinct syllables of different length, with the "words" used most often the shortest, while the longest sequences were made up of shorter syllables.
The researchers said this showed the flightless birds shared two traits of human speech that the most frequently used words are shorter, but also the longer the sentenceor for penguinsthe call, the shorter the sounds within it.
compelling:形容詞,令人信服的。例句:The lawyer made a compelling argument.(律師提出令人信服的論點。)
primate:名詞,靈長類,靈長目。例句:Primates are smart animals.(靈長類是聰明的動物。)
trait︰特徵,特性。例句:Jim’s two most pleasing traits are generosity and energy.(吉姆最討人喜歡的特點是豪爽和充滿活力。)

Family For Hire來充當我的家人一下吧!

The family rental business is not just about keeping up appearances, though. Ishii’s actors have filled in for fathers who are no longer around. They have played the parts of mothers who have passed away, and stood in for sons or daughters who, for whatever reason, have abandoned their parents.
In other words, they help ease the pain that can come with loss or grief in the family. Ishii has even staged entire fake weddings for people whose parents really won’t give up pushing them to get married.
abandon vt. 遺棄,離棄
You shouldn’t abandon your pet just because you are too lazy to take care of it.
grief n. 悲傷
stage vt. 演出,上演

2020年2月26日 星期三

French ski resort uses helicopters to deliver snow for bare slopes法國滑雪場以直升機送雪到裸露的山坡

A ski resort in the Pyrenees arranged for around 50 tonnes of snow to be dropped on its slopes. Taken from higher mountains, the snow was dumped on slopes for beginners and children.
Temperatures have risen above 10 ºC across the Pyrenees this week, leaving ski slopes devoid of snow.
In order to keep the ski resort open, the local council arranged for snow to be sent at a cost of more than 5,000 euros£4,150.
The director of the local council said it was a worthwhile investment. The school holidays in February and March are typically the busiest time of year for ski resorts in France.
However, the delivery of snow has been criticised by environmental groups. The director conceded that moving the snow was not a "particularly ecological" solution but said "we had no choice".
resort:名詞,度假勝地。例句:There are many holiday resorts in Philippines.(菲律賓有許多度假勝地。)
arrange:動詞,安排。例句:Jason arranged for his daughter to join a study group. (傑森安排他的女兒參加讀書會。)
concede:動詞,承認。例句:The candidate conceded that he was involved in a case of corruption.(這名候選人坦承涉及一起貪污案。)

Family For Hire來充當我的家人一下吧!

One company that rents out family members for a variety of purposes is called Family Romance. The business began over a decade ago. Back then, a friend of company founder Ishii Yuichi needed a favor.
She was a single mother, and her son was denied entry into a kindergarten because she wasn’t married. So, Ishii went along to the interview, posing as the boy’s father, to give the interviewers the picture of the perfect family. Thus, Family Romance was born.
entry n. 進入許可;進入,加入
The country hopes to gain entry into the United Nations.
pose as sb 假扮成冒充成裝成某人
Jimmy was caught posing as a doctor.

2020年2月25日 星期二





這些疾病症狀 竟都與頸椎病有關!

【悠活健康網】椎間盤是盤狀軟骨物質,是人體天然的避震器,讓我們能做轉頭、挺腰及扭轉身體等動作。椎間盤中央的核心是髓核(Nucleus pulposus),髓核內含水及膠原纖維(Collagen Fiber),因此柔軟有彈性,可以分擔脊椎承受的壓力及衝擊。椎間盤外圍是強韌的纖維環(Annulus),可維持髓核的穩定性。

Evolution of circuits for machine learning機器學習電路的進化

Artificial intelligence AI has allowed computers to solve problems that were previously thought to be beyond their capabilities. There is therefore great interest in developing specialized circuits that can complete AI calculations faster and with lower energy consumption than can current devices.
Writing in Nature, Tao Chen et al. demonstrate an unconventional electrical circuit in silicon that can be evolved in situ to carry out basic machine-learning operations.
Previous work by some of the current authors produced isolated charge puddles from a collection of gold nanoparticles that were randomly deposited on a silicon surface, with insulating molecules between them. These puddles are at the heart of Chen and colleagues’ circuit design.
circuits:名詞,電路。例句:Those earlier circuits did not perform machine-learning operations.(那些較早期的電路無法執行機器學習運算。)
charge puddles:專有名詞,電荷坑。例句:Such microscopic inhomogeneities, known as ’charge puddles’, limit the mobility of charge carriers.(這種微觀的非均質性被稱作「電荷坑」,會限制電荷載體的流動性。)
nanoparticles:名詞,奈米粒子、奈米顆粒。例句:Nanoparticles are particles that exist on a nanometre scale.(奈米顆粒係指以奈米尺度存在的粒子。)

It’s about Time:Punctuality around the World.各國「遲到」大不同!

In contrast, being behind schedule is more acceptable in Malaysia and China. In Malaysia, if someone tells you they’ll be five minutes late, it is normal for that person to actually be one hour late. In China, people arriving within 10 minutes of the scheduled time are often considered on time. Which do you think is better? Should everyone always be on time, or should people be more flexible?
on time 準時
Aaron got up early so that he could get to school on time.
flexible a. 有彈性的

2020年2月24日 星期一

No plans to delay new semester韓新學期無延後開學計畫

The government said Friday it has no plans to order a postponement of the new school semester nationwide despite a surge in confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus.
The Ministry of Education also set up a task force with the Seoul Metropolitan Government to help foreign students coming from China. The education office in Daegu, which witnessed a sudden spike in confirmed cases this week, has delayed the reopening of 341 kindergartens and 456 elementary and secondary schools in the city.
Calls are growing for a delay in the reopening of schools amid health concerns. The Seoul Metropolitan Government will provide shuttle bus services from the airport to schools for returning Chinese students, and open city-run facilities to provide temporary housing, meals and daily necessities for the students.
postponement:名詞,延後(緩、期)。Her lawyer requested a postponement of her trial.(她的律師請求延後受審。)
novel:形容詞,新(穎、奇)的;名詞,小說。Lee is full of novel ideas.(李滿腦子都是新奇的點子。)
necessity:名詞,需要、必要、必需品、必然性、貧困。Necessity is the mother of invention.(需要為發明之母);He is in great necessity.(他極度貧困。)

Police ordered to pull their weight as Indonesia fights obesity印尼對抗肥胖問題 警方受命減肥

An Indonesian province has put 50 overweight police on a crash program of aerobics, swimming and jogging, telling them they’d better shape up for the job.
The officers in East Java are being closely monitored on the two-week program and also get guidance from nutritionists and medical experts, said spokesman Frans Barung Mangera.
"We think all the selected personnel don’t have the ideal body weight," said Mangera.
Indonesia has seen a spike in obesity in recent years and the World Health Organization in 2016 estimated that at least 28 percent of Indonesia’s 250 million people were overweight.
"Being overweight makes us less agile when we are on duty and we often fall sick," said officer Iwan Sutanto. He claimed to feel healthier after losing 3.5 kg.
Police spokesman Mangera said the program was likely to be extended to the entire province of East Java.
"Body shape determines whether the officer is fit to serve the public," said Mangera. (Reuters)
pull one’s own weight:片語,指使出自己的那份力氣來做好分內事情。例句:The rest of the team complained that Jane wasn’t pulling her weight.(團隊的其他人抱怨珍未盡本分。)
shape up:片語,指進展、表現變好、形成、準備就緒。例句:The plane is shaping up for the landing at London.(飛機正準備降落倫敦。)
spike:名詞,指尖刺;動詞,指(通常指下跌前)上升到很高的程度、拒絕刊登、將烈酒摻入飲料、使增加風味或趣味、排球的扣球、刺穿。例句:The unemployment rate in January spiked to a five-year high.5月份失業率上升到5年來新高。)