2020年2月24日 星期一

No plans to delay new semester韓新學期無延後開學計畫

The government said Friday it has no plans to order a postponement of the new school semester nationwide despite a surge in confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus.
The Ministry of Education also set up a task force with the Seoul Metropolitan Government to help foreign students coming from China. The education office in Daegu, which witnessed a sudden spike in confirmed cases this week, has delayed the reopening of 341 kindergartens and 456 elementary and secondary schools in the city.
Calls are growing for a delay in the reopening of schools amid health concerns. The Seoul Metropolitan Government will provide shuttle bus services from the airport to schools for returning Chinese students, and open city-run facilities to provide temporary housing, meals and daily necessities for the students.
postponement:名詞,延後(緩、期)。Her lawyer requested a postponement of her trial.(她的律師請求延後受審。)
novel:形容詞,新(穎、奇)的;名詞,小說。Lee is full of novel ideas.(李滿腦子都是新奇的點子。)
necessity:名詞,需要、必要、必需品、必然性、貧困。Necessity is the mother of invention.(需要為發明之母);He is in great necessity.(他極度貧困。)

