2020年2月29日 星期六

Spain uncovers underground counterfeit cigarette factory 西班牙破獲地下偽造香菸工廠

Spanish police have on Thursday uncovered a counterfeit cigarette factory in a bunker four meters underground in the town of Moran in the southern province of Malaga, and rescued six Ukrainian workers who were trapped inside.
When officers entered the undercover factory, they found six workers inside who were having serious difficulties breathing because the electric generator that was used to pump air into the bunker had run out of gas.
Police had arrested 20 people who are suspected of running the operation earlier and none of the suspects told officers that still six Ukrainian workers were still locked inside it, leaving them "abandoned to their fate."
They tried to scream and bang on the container blocking the exit, but officers on the surface could not hear their calls for help because the installation was soundproof.
Europol suspects the criminal group distributed the cigarettes made there on the European black market.(AFP)
counterfeit:形容詞或名詞,仿冒(品)。例句:Any counterfeit note is sure to be traced.(任何假鈔絕對會被查出。)
bunker:名詞,地下碉堡。例句:This was a bunker built in Japanese-ruled period.(這是建於日治時期的地下碉堡。)
soundproof:形容詞或動詞,隔音的。例句:We need a fully-soundproofed studio.(我們需要一間完全隔音的工作室。)

