2020年2月15日 星期六

Chinese vanish from key tourist sites; Japanese also a no-show中客從主要觀光景點銷聲匿跡,日客也不來

【摘要2020.2.14.張沛元  自由】
Tourist destinations normally heaving with Chinese visitors have suddenly gone quiet as fears ramp up over the new coronavirus outbreak.
Japanese are also shunning areas that traditionally attract large crowds for fear of becoming infected.
On Feb. 11, a national holiday, tourists were out and about in the narrow streets of the Tsukiji Outer Market in Tokyo’s Chuo Ward, but it was rare to hear Chinese being spoken. Usually, the area is packed with tourists, but many restaurants had empty seats even at lunch time.
Hiroshi Tanabe, manager of a seafood barbeque restaurant, said sales are down by 60 percent compared with their peak.
"I pray the situation will return to normal by the cherry blossom viewing season," Tanabe, 39, said. "For now, we just have to put up with it."
ramp up:慣用語,(公司)擴大,增加,增多(業務等);加快(速度);增加(威力);提高(費用)。例句:The plant, owned by Canadian medical supplies group Medicom, already makes about 100 million masks per year, but soaring demand due to the coronavirus outbreak means it is adding a third more staff and ramping up production to seven days a week.(這家隸屬於加拿大醫療用品集團麥迪康的工廠,原本1年可以生產約1億個口罩,但冠狀病毒疫情導致需求一飛沖天,意味該廠增員超過3分之1,一週開工7天持續增產。)
out and about:慣用語,外出走動,活動。
put up with someone or something:慣用語,忍耐,忍受。例句:I can put up with your excuses, but I hate it if you try to fool me.(我可以忍受你的藉口,但我討厭你企圖欺騙我。)

