2021年3月19日 星期五

Mexico moves to stem unauthorized sharing of sexual images



Activist Olimpia Coral went through an inferno in 2013, when an ex-boyfriend posted sexual images that made the rounds in her conservative town in Mexico.


Things got so bad - the shaming, the internet bullying - that she hid in the trunk of a taxi when going to her grandmother’s house a few blocks away. The local newspaper had even published screenshots of the video, showing Coral and the man having sex; only she was identifiable.


Seven years later, she has a proposed federal law named after her - Olimpia’s Law. Mexico’s Senate has approved prison time for the filming or distribution of sexually images without a person’s consent or through deceit.


It was the product of many years of struggle by women’s groups, who have already convinced 29 of Mexico’s 32 states to adapt existing laws or pass new ones against the practice.AP



stem:動詞,攔住;遏止。例句:Measure must be taken to stem the tide of resignations.(必須採取措施阻止離職潮。)

make the rounds:片語,到處傳誦。例句:Rumors of his divorce has been made the rounds.(他離婚的謠言已四處流傳。)

deceit:名詞,欺騙。例句:He acquired a famous painting by deceit.(他透過詐欺獲得一幅名畫。)


