2021年9月7日 星期二

LED streetlights contribute to insect population declines: study


研究:LED路燈光害 致昆蟲數量銳減


Streetlights particularly those that use white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) not only disrupt insect behavior but are also a culprit behind their declining numbers, a new study carried out in southern England showed Wednesday.

一項在英格蘭南部進行的新研究週三指出,路燈特別是使用白色發光二極體 LED),不僅會干擾昆蟲行為,也是導致昆蟲數量下 降的背後元凶。

Artificial lights at night had been identified as a possible factor behind falling insect populations around the world, but the topic had been under-researched.


To address the question, scientists compared 26 roadside sites consisting of either hedgerows or grass verges that were lit by streetlights, against an equal number of nearly identical sites that were unlit.


The team chose moth caterpillars as a proxy for nocturnal insects more broadly, because they remain within a few meters of where they hatched during the larval stage of their lives, before they acquire the ability to fly.


The results were eye-opening, with a 47 percent reduction in insect population at the hedgerow sites and 37 percent reduction at the roadside grassy areas.



culprit:名詞,罪犯、元凶。例句:Obesity is thought to be the primary culprit for children’s diabetes.(肥胖被認為是兒童罹患糖尿病的主因。)

nocturnal:形容詞,夜行性的,夜間出沒的。例句:Most bats are nocturnal.(大部分蝙蝠都是夜行性。

