2021年9月9日 星期四

Former Receptionist Gets £23,000 After Being Excluded From Pizza Parties


披薩派對沒邀請她 前接待員獲賠2.3萬英鎊


Malgorzata Lewicka was a former receptionist at Harwell, the Ford car dealership in UK.


Managers at the car dealership conducted office parties where they asked the staff members to choose a takeaway food that they would like to order every month. It included pizza and other fast food choices. Lewicka said to the tribunal that she was neither asked nor invited.


She revealed that in March 2018, she accused a staff member of sexual discrimination, after which her colleagues started excluding her.


Hartwell claimed that Lewicka was not involved in the parties because she worked part-time and wound up at 1 p.m. But the tribunal declared that it was not an excuse.


The judge ruled Lewicka’s exclusion at her former workplace to be a form of sexual discrimination. She was subsequently awarded £23,079. This included compensation for injury to her feelings as well as loss of earnings.



receptionist:名詞,接待員。例句:The receptionist handed me a welcome gift.(接待員交給我一份迎賓禮。)

tribunal:名詞,法庭。例句:We took our case to the immigration tribunal.(我們將案件上訴至移民法庭。)

wind up:動詞片語,使結束。例句:I wound up the speech with a question.(我以一個提問結束這場演說。)


