2021年9月13日 星期一

Flight attendants train in self-defense amid spike in unruly passengers


Flight attendants train in self-defense amid spike in unruly passengers

野蠻乘客激增 空服員接受自衛訓練

【摘要2021.9.13..自由】 陳成良

With pandemic stress frazzling the nerves of COVID anxious travelers, there is a renewed sense of importance among flight attendants to learn how to protect themselves.


The air marshals in the New York field office say a post 9/11 self-defense program that had been on hiatus during the pandemic returned last month with a renewed sense of urgency.

紐約外勤辦事處的空警說,在大流行期間中斷的 9/11後自衛計畫,上個月又緊急重啟。

"We’ve had great demand since we’ve reintroduced the classes," said Stephanie Metzer who manages the field office.


This year, airplane cabins have seen chaos. A passenger was taped to his seat after he allegedly groped and assaulted flight attendants during a Miami-bound flight from Philadelphia in August. He was wrapped with tape around his mouth and body and was eventually charged with battery.



frazzle:動詞,使磨損,使磨破;使疲憊。例句:The cuffs were frazzled.(袖口磨損了。)

air marshal:名詞,空中(便衣)警察。空中警察都曾接受反制劫機等特殊訓練,他們以匿名方式登機,保護飛機的安全。

hiatus:名詞,裂縫;空隙;短暫的中斷。例句:After a three-year hiatus, he resumed his teaching career. (在中斷了3年之後,他又重拾教書生涯。)


