2021年9月24日 星期五

Geisha facing dire straits as virus scares off Kyoto customers


病毒嚇跑京都顧客 藝妓面臨困境


Geisha and their "maiko" trainees are being forced out of work here as the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, shutting down parties where the traditional artists make their living entertaining guests by playing music and dancing.


Parties have been scrapped in all five major "kagai" traditional entertainment districts here, leading some of the women, collectively known as "geimaiko," to quit the business.


"Last year, I made only 10 percent of my usual income. I have to dip into my savings to pay my daily expenses," said a geisha based in the Kamishichiken district.


While maiko trainees are postponing their debuts, some geimaiko have chosen to leave the kagai districts, citing drastically reduced incomes and uncertainty about the future.



dire straits:慣用語, 困境,險境。

earn/make a/one’s living:片語,營生,謀生。例句:He earns his living driving a taxi in Taipei.(他在台北開計程車謀生。)

dip into:片語,隨便翻翻,瀏覽;動用,花費(部分積蓄)。例句:He dipped into his savings to buy a yacht.(他動用積蓄買了一艘遊艇。)


