2020年5月12日 星期二

Can AC spread coronavirus?空調可能傳播新冠病毒嗎?

As students are expected to go back to school later this month and study through the summer to catch up with what they missed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the biggest questions is whether air conditioning is safe to use.
On Thursday, the Ministry of Education released a guideline to keep all windows at least one-third open at all times while running air conditioning.
"At the moment, experts view using air conditioning is okay as long as the room is ventilated frequently," Jung Eun-kyeong, director of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet she added, "A Chinese research team raised a possibility of the device contributing to droplet transmission. That needs more research and experimentation to be verified."
catch up with:片語,趕上、對帶來麻煩(預期的惡果)。We have to catch up with the group ahead.(我們必須趕上前面那群人。)
ventilate:動詞,使通風(換氣)、給安裝通風設備、宣布、公開說出(提到)、發表。Is your home well ventilated? (你家通風良好嗎?)
droplet:名詞,一小滴液體、飛沫。Droplet precautions are necessary when a patient infected with a pathogen.(當病人感染一種病原體時,就有必要採取飛沫傳染防護措施。)

