2020年5月6日 星期三

’It’s pandemonium’: virus panic-buying hits Los Angeles「亂成一片」:因病毒而起的恐慌搶購潮衝擊洛杉磯

Sprinting shoppers, rationed mineral water and not a roll of toilet paper to be seen: panic-buying sparked by the new coronavirus soared in Los Angeles this week.
Two days after California declared a statewide emergency, wholesale stores were unable to keep up with soaring demand for a range of staple items, as citizens prepare for the worst.
Police in San Bernardino County were called to one store after customers became enraged by the lack of supplies.
But some shoppers, though concerned, managed to see the lighter side of the situation.
"I’m guarded," said emergency responder Andrew wheeling a trolley filled with water, paper towels, limes and ginger ale. "I want to make sure we have the essentials some mixers, some wines, you know, so if things go bad I can make a drink." (AFP)
pandemonium:名詞,大騷動、一片混亂。例句:Many people died during the pandemonium of the riot.(很多人死於這場暴動的大混亂。)
enrage:動詞,激怒。例句:He was enraged at the news about his scandal.(那些有關他醜聞的新聞,令他感到火大。)
guarded:形容詞,謹慎的、有所保留或提防的。例句:She seemed less guarded here.(她在這裡似乎比較沒那麼有戒心。)

