2020年4月24日 星期五

Trump’s sarcastic response to Mitt Romney’ negative test for coronavirus follows years of bad blood

多年失和 川普嘲諷回應羅尼的新冠病毒檢測結果為陰性
For a famously mild-mannered man whose worst cuss words are G-rated throwbacks like "golly," Mitt Romney has a way of getting under President Trump’s skin.
This time, the Republican senator from Utah did it by announcing a bit of good news amid the welter of scary developments during the pandemicHe has tested negative for the coronavirus.
"This is really great news! I am so happy I can barely speak," Trump tweeted Wednesday morning. "He may have been a terrible presidential candidate and an even worse U.S. Senator, but he is a RINO, and I like him a lot!"
「這真是個天大的好消息!我高興到難以用言語表達,」川普週三一早在推文中寫道。「他也許是個很糟糕的總統候選人,甚至是個更糟糕的美國國會參議員,但他再怎麼說,名義上還是共和黨人(RINORepublican In Name Only ,諷刺立場不夠保守、宛如純掛名的共和黨人),我很喜歡他!」
The bad blood between Trump and Romney dates at least to 2012, when Trump said the election was Republicans’ to lose and then blamed Romney for doing just that.
Romney shrugged off the critique, but his low opinion of Trump seemed to harden.
get under someone’s skin:慣用語,惹某人生氣、讓某人不爽。例句:Manspreading really gets under my skin People doing that are selfish.(我很不爽在大眾運輸座位上兩腿開開佔空間的人——這種人很自私。)
shrug off:慣用語,聳肩以示對某事不屑一顧或懶得理睬。
所有格代名詞 to lose:慣用語,指某人勝券在握、終將獲勝。例句:No matter how hard you try, the championship is not yours to lose.(無論你多努力,冠軍也不會是你的。)

