2020年4月22日 星期三

Iceland recommends hugging trees instead of people冰島建議人們用抱樹取代抱人

With countries imposing lockdown to block the spread of the virus, the Icelandic Forestry Service has taken a weird approach to the situation.
The Icelandic Forestry Service has asked citizens to hug trees and plants while maintaining social distancing. Forest rangers at Hallormsstaður National Forest in East Iceland are cleaning up the snow from roads so locals can go and hug trees.
"When you hug [a tree], you feel it first in your toes and then up your legs and into your chest and then up into your head," forest ranger Þór Þorfinnsson tells the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service. "It’s such a wonderful feeling of relaxation and then you’re ready for a new day and new challenges."
Þorfinnsson recommends that not everyone should embrace the first tree they see; potential huggers should venture deeper into the forest.
impose:動詞,推行、實施。例句:The government imposed a heavy tax on retailers.(政府對零售商課徵重稅。)
instead of :片語,作為的替代。例句:Because of the Covid-19 outbreak, she traveled to Iceland instead of Spain.(由於武漢肺炎疫情,她不去西班牙了,改去冰島。)
embrace:動詞,擁抱。例句:We embraced each other warmly on the day we released from quarantine. (在解除隔離的那天,我們熱切地擁抱彼此。)

