2020年4月17日 星期五

Sports apparel company stops making MLB jerseys to manufacture protective masks and gowns

運動服飾公司停做職棒大聯盟球衣 改為製造防護口罩與袍子
On what should have been Opening Day, the pinstriped uniforms of the New York Yankees and Philadelphia Phillies appeared in a different fashion. Two weeks after the novel coronavirus ground all major U.S. sports leagues to a halt, the fabric used to manufacture official jerseys for Major League Baseball will become protective masks and gowns for medical professionals.
Fanatics, the company that manufactures MLB uniforms, has halted production of jerseys at its Pennsylvania factory and will instead make these necessary items from the polyester mesh.
"When the country is in need the way it is, it’s our privilege and opportunity to try to chip in in a small way," Michael Rubin, the founder and executive chairman of Fanatics, said in a telephone interview. "If we can save even one life, that’s better than making baseball uniforms and jerseys."
grind to a halt:慣用語,慢慢停下來,逐漸陷入停頓。例句:The global travel and tourism industry is grinding to a halt amid novel coronavirus pandemic.(全球旅遊與觀光業在新冠病毒全球大流行之際逐步陷入停頓。)
in need:片語,有急需,有需要。
chip in:慣用語,插話,插嘴;捐助,共同出錢。例句:Kids should not chip in and listen to the elders only.(囝仔人有耳無嘴。)

