2019年11月15日 星期五

BURNING BRIGHT,BURNING OUT心hen累眼神死──你也「職業倦怠」了嗎?

Our world is a busy place. Faced with constant changes in technology, work culture, and the economy, many people are struggling to keep up. The term “burnout” describes a stressed-out and tired mental state that is usually caused by pressure at work.
Although some people would like to suggest that it is only laziness, burnout is slowly being recognized as a real problem. Burnout is a form of extreme exhaustion. Many people who experience it might not even realize what is happening.
●burn out  累壞了;耗盡(精力、熱情等)
  a. 不斷的
The constant noise of the machine is driving me crazy.
●be recognized as...
After years of hard work, Vickie was finally recognized as a leader in her department.

