2019年11月17日 星期日

Florida man charged for stash of Trump-shaped ecstasy pills-佛羅里達男子被控藏匿川普形狀的搖頭丸

A Florida man who was found to have ecstasy pills shaped like U.S. President Donald Trump’s head has been charged with unlawful possession of controlled substances, according Pinellas County court documents.
Brendan Dolan-King, 23, was charged on Friday in Clearwater, Florida after police searched his apartment in June and discovered fentanyl and five orange pills shaped like Trump’s head, which were later found to contain the hallucinogen MDMA, or ecstasy.
The confiscation resembles one in Indiana in 2018, when the Lafayette Journal & Courier reported that police patrolling an interstate highway seized an orange tablet in the shape of the 45th U.S. president’s head, with his lips puckered on the front and "Great Again" printed on the back. (Reuters)
stash:名詞,指貯藏物、藏身處;動詞,指隱藏、藏匿、停止。例句:It is a slack season and they’re going to stash business.(現在是淡季,他們要歇業了。)
ecstasy:名詞,指欣喜若狂、出神忘形、迷幻藥、搖頭丸。例句:Speechless with ecstasy , the little girl gazed at the gift.(小女孩盯著禮物看,高興得說不出話來。)
pucker:動詞,指皺起、縮攏;名詞,指皺紋、皺褶。例句:She looked at him with a pucker in her brows.(她皺起眉頭看著他。)

