2019年12月31日 星期二

Why Do Tennis Players Grunt?喊那麼大聲,嚇到我了!

The sounds of tennis are unlike those in other sports. Before most players hit the ball, they let out a loud grunt. The question is: Does this grunt help them play better? To find out, researchers carried out a study. They measured the speed of college tennis players hitting tennis balls over the net.
The first time, the players were told not to make any sounds. The second time, they were allowed to grunt. The results showed that, on average, players hit the ball 4-5% faster when they grunted.
第一次測試時,選手被指示不能發出任何聲音。第二次,他們則被允許吼叫。研究結果顯示,選手平均而言發出吼叫時的擊球速度提升了 4% 5%
let out...  發出⋯⋯(的聲音)
Andrea let out a scream when she saw the muddy dog jump on her white sofa.
measure vt. 測量
The carpenter carefully measured the length of the floor.

