2019年12月22日 星期日

Meet the world’s oldest married couple來見過全球最年長的夫妻

Married couples celebrate their wedding anniversaries every year, but for an Austin couple, this year is special because they’re celebrating 80 years of marriage.
They’ve been married so long and alive so long, they’re now considered the oldest married couple in the world.
"I have to ask him how long we’ve been married because, from year to year, I just forget," said Charlotte Henderson.
They took a vow, promising to stick by each other until death do they part, and they’ve kept that vow since they got married during the Great Depression in 1939.
"I remember the wedding day, the day we got married, as though it were yesterday because it’s so vivid in my mind," said John Henderson.
Nearly 80 years later, John and Charlotte are still together. The two live in a retirement community in West Austin. At 106 and 105 years old respectively, they are the oldest married couple in the world.
from year to year:慣用語,逐年,年復一年,一年又一年。類似用法,from door to door:挨家挨戶,逐門逐戶。例句:They went from door to door in the neighborhood to collect signatures for the impeachment of US President Donald Trump.(他們在住家附近逐門逐戶搜集支持彈劾美國總統川普的連署簽名。)
stick by someone or something:慣用語,(尤指困境中)繼續支持(某人),對(某人)不離不棄。例句:The candidate has stuck by her radical plans for political reform.(這名女候選人堅守她主張的激進政改計畫。)

