2019年12月16日 星期一

Hinatuan Enchanted River希納圖安魔幻之河

On the east coast of the Philippine island of Mindanao is a saltwater river that’s so crystal clear you can see the bottom. The Enchanted River is named after diplomat Modesto Farolan’s poem“ Rio Encantado.” It is surrounded by thick jungle all along its 300-meter path to the Pacific Ocean.
The likely source of the river’s brilliant blue waters is an underground cave system that was first explored in 1999. Like many beautiful places, the Hinatuan Enchanted River attracts crowds of visitors. A few years ago, the local government took action to manage tourism in order to protect the environment and keep the river beautifully clean.
在菲律賓的民答那峨島東岸有條鹹水河清澈見底。這條魔幻之河是以外交官莫戴斯多法洛蘭的詩《Rio Encantado》命名的。這條長三百公尺、通往太平洋的河道沿途被茂密的叢林圍繞。
這條河流的湛藍水域可能源自一個在 1999 年時首次被探索的地底洞穴系統。如同許多美麗的地方,這條希納圖安魔幻之河吸引了眾多遊客。幾年前,當地政府為了保育環境並保持美麗河水的潔淨而開始管制旅遊業。
enchanted a. 被施了魔法的;著迷的
It is said that a witch lives in that enchanted castle.
crystal clear a. 清澈的;明瞭的
The water in this lake is so crystal clear that you can see the bottom.
diplomat n. 外交官

