2019年12月25日 星期三

In Search of Ladybugs尋覓幸福瓢蟲


Frances was reading a story book. The book was about people searching for ladybugs, which are a symbol of happiness in the story. Frances fell head over heels in love with the tiny bright red insects upon laying her eyes on them.
The next day, Frances decided to bring her net to look for ladybugs in the park near her house. However, in spite of her best efforts, she could not track down even one ladybug after hours of searching.
in search of sth 尋找某事物
James was in search of the best doctor in the country to treat his father’s illness.
fall head over heels in love with... 徹徹底底愛上⋯⋯
track down...  找到⋯⋯
The mother was nervous because she could not track down her missing son.

