2019年12月21日 星期六

MATRYOSHKA DOLLS俄羅斯套娃:戰鬥民族的剛柔並濟

When people think of Russia, matryoshka dolls are one of the first things that come to mind. These colorful wooden dolls come in sets of five to 10 dolls. The dolls are all different sizes and each can be separated into two parts.
They are also hollow and the smaller dolls all fit inside of the largest one. Matryoshka dolls represent the importance of the traditional family unit in Russian society. They celebrate the role of a strong female figure who takes care of everyone.
come in + 組合、尺寸、顏色等 ⋯⋯的組合尺寸顏色等
These stylish sneakers come in five different colors.
hollow a. 中空的;空心的
This African instrument is hollow and looks very strange.
figure n. 人物

