2019年12月20日 星期五

Bins out at Melbourne school as students told to take all rubbish home墨爾本學校禁垃圾桶 要學生把垃圾帶回家

Melbourne Girls’ College is getting rid of all its bins and asking students to take their rubbish home in a bold bid to encourage them to move towards zero waste.
Starting next Monday, the Richmond college will over five weeks phase out receptacles in classrooms and the yard, leaving 1400 students and 140 staff to find their own home for chip packets and juice boxes.
As part of the shift, volunteer students will conduct daily non-compulsory food inspections in which children bringing "zero waste" lunch boxes will be rewarded.
Students using only reusable packaging will receive a token that will go into a draw to win prizes such as keep cups.
bin:名詞, 箱子、桶狀容器,即「receptacle」,常用於recycle bin/receptacle(回收桶/箱)。
phase out:片語,分階段結束。例句︰The company is phasing out the less successful products.(該公司正逐步停產銷路較差的產品。)
compulsory︰必須做的、義務的。例句︰Attendance at these lectures is not compulsory.(這些課不一定要到場。)

