2019年12月9日 星期一

什麼?!穿著也有關係Survey Says

C: Charles  A: Anna
Charles is speaking with his supervisor, Anna, about his first day.
A: So, how did day one go?
C: Not great. I only collected about 10 responses.
A: The first day is always the hardest.
C: You can say that again! Nobody wanted to stop to fill out a survey, even though I told them it would only take a minute, tops. Am I doing something wrong?
A: For starters, you should change the way you dress. I suggest you switch the T-shirt for a dress shirt and trade the shorts for some nice pants.
安 娜: 那麼,第一天過得怎麼樣呀?
查爾斯: 不是很好。我只收集到約十份回覆問卷而已。
安 娜: 新工作一開始總是最困難的。
查爾斯: 妳說的沒錯!沒有人想停下來填寫問卷,即使我告訴他們最多只需要花一分鐘而已。難道我哪個地方沒做好嗎?
安 娜: 首先,你得改變穿著方式。我建議你把 T 恤換成西裝襯衫,然後把短褲換成一條好看的褲子。
●supervisor  n. 主管
  n. 回覆;回應,反應
●The management’s response did not satisfy the workers.

