2019年12月30日 星期一

Man who ate $120,000 banana at art show says ’I’m not sorry’在藝術展吃掉12萬美元香蕉的男子說「我不感愧疚」

A performance artist who ate a banana taped to a wall that was an artwork valued at $120,000 said his actions were not vandalism and he does not regret his snack at Art Basel in Miami Beach, Florida.
Artist Maurizio Cattelan’s piece - a banana duct-taped to a wall and called "Comedian" - sold for $120,000.
Performance artist David Datuna joined the crowd taking selfies with the banana on Saturday and then pulled off the tape and ate the banana in a video widely shared on social media.
"First of all, I very respect this artist. For me, he is one of the top artists in the world," Datuna said. "And I think this is the first one in art history when one artist eat concept of another artist. People ask me, you eat banana? Physically it was banana, but banana is just a tool. So I eat the concept of the art."
He added that the artwork tasted good.
"So it’s not like, again, vandalism. It was art performance from me. And absolutely, I’m not sorry," he said. "I call performance ’Hungry Artist’. Yeah, because I was hungry and I just eat it." (Reuters)
vandalism:名詞,指恣意毀壞他人財產罪、糟蹋好東西。例句:This area is vulnerable to vandalism.(這個地區的公共財常遭蓄意破壞。)
snack:名詞,指快餐、小吃、點心、一份;動詞,指吃快餐、吃點心。例句:He often snacks on french fries.(他常把薯條當點心吃。)
pull off:片語動詞,指使勁摘掉、成功完成、路邊停車。例句:You really pulled it off.(你真的表現得很棒。)

