2020年3月27日 星期五

Not a square to spare: Australian shops ration toilet paper amid coronavirus panic一張都不分:澳洲商店在冠狀病毒恐慌中限購衛生紙

Australia’s major grocers put strict limits on purchases of toilet paper on Wednesday, after shoppers stripped shelves in a rush of panic buying spurred by fears over a coronavirus.
The demand for toilet paper, in particular, has sparked the trending hashtags #toiletpapergate and #toiletpapercrisis on Twitter, along with photographs of overloaded shopping trolleys, and calls for calm from baffled officials.
The biggest grocery chain, Woolworths Group Ltd, limited sales to four packs a shopper, to keep up stock levels while suppliers ramp up production.
Shoppers have swooped on other products also. Costco has put limits on purchases of milk, eggs, rice, disinfectants and soap. (Reuters)
a square to spare:俚語,分一張衛生紙。spare,動詞,抽出、剩下、分或讓。square,本文中指捲筒式衛生紙的一段(通常為方形)。例句:I’ve run out of toilet paper, can you spare a square?(我衛生紙用完了,你可以分我一張嗎?)
ramp up:片語,提高、加強。例句:We have to ramp up our production to stay competitive.(我們得提高產量維持競爭力。)
swoop:動詞,(突然且迅速地)俯衝、猛撲、攻擊。例句:Riot police swooped on the protesters minutes ago.(幾分鐘前,鎮暴警察突擊示威者。)

