2020年3月28日 星期六

Just the two of us: Israeli couple ties knot to beat coronavirus blues只有我倆:甩開冠狀病毒陰霾 以色列佳偶結連理

The hall was nearly empty, the tables lay bare but for white linen covers. A masked man sprayed the floor with disinfectant while a lone saxophonist practiced his tunes.
Welcome to Yonatan and Roni’s wedding.
The coronavirus outbreak has disrupted life for millions of people around the world, and weddings have been among the many casualties of lockdowns, self-isolation and official bans on large public gatherings.
But this Israeli couple was not going to let that get in the way of their big day.
In Israel’s Ein Hemed National Park, the bride and groom embraced, exchanged vows and danced cheek to cheek. The only difference was, there were barely any guests there to witness their nuptials.
"It is different than what we had imagined ... but it’s perfect," said bride Roni, 26. "It’s an unique way to get married," added Yonatan, 36.Reuters
disinfect:動詞,消毒。例句:Wherever the patient stayed must be thoroughly disinfected.(病患待過的地方都必須徹底消毒。)
lockdown:名詞,封鎖。例句:The whole city has been placed on lockdown on account of coronavirus epidemic.(由於冠狀病毒大流行,全市已被封鎖。)
get in the way:片語,擋路;妨礙。例句:Don’t let work get in the way of your social life.(別讓工作妨礙你的社交生活。)

