2020年3月14日 星期六

Come to Rio, get robbed: Brazil tourism body shares awkward Instagram post來里約被劫:巴西觀光局分享尷尬的Instagram貼文

Brazil’s national tourism agency typically focuses on the city’s world-class beaches, samba-filled music scene and caipirinha-fueled parties. Violent crime is rarely listed among the attractions.
But in an embarrassing social media snafu this week, the Brazilian Tourist Board (Embratur) accidentally shared a critical Instagram post from a tourist who did not enjoy her stay in the so-called "Cidade Maravilhosa," or Marvelous City.
"I just spent 3 days in Rio with my family, and in those 3 days my family and I were robbed and my 9-year-old sister witnessed a violent robbery," Instagram user "withlai" wrote in an Instagram Stories post. "I can’t recommend a visit to a city where I felt afraid of even leaving the apartment."
Embratur deleted the shared post on Wednesday. It said in a subsequent statement that "sharing (the post) was a mistake," adding that it had worked hard to promote a nationwide fall in crime in 2019.
Safety concerns along with inconvenient flights, poor infrastructure and high costs have long held back Brazil’s tourism industry, which lags its South American neighbors.(Reuters)
awkward:形容詞,指笨拙的、不熟練的、使用不便的、棘手的、不合適的、尷尬的。例句:The dress has awkward proportions.(這件洋裝的比例不協調。)
hold back:片語動詞,指(主要因恐懼或不願讓事情變得更糟而)退縮不做、保留、抑制、阻擋、隱瞞。例句:She tried to hold back her anger.(她試圖壓抑怒火。)
lag:動詞,指走得慢、落後、延遲、裝隔熱材料、加保暖層;名詞,指滯後、衰退、落後程度、遲滯量。例句:The child lags his peers in physical development.(這個孩子的身體發育落後於同儕。)

