2020年1月4日 星期六

Virtual Reality Goes from Gaming to Groundbreaking Drug Discovery虛擬實境帶來創新的醫學發現

Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that has truly been changing the game. It’s perhaps best known for its use in video games, giving them lifelike visual effects. Now the same software that powers popular video games like Fortnite is being applied to another field: health care.
Scientists at C4X Discovery are using VR technology in a tool called 4Sight to make it easier to see complex molecules. VR is now being used to develop new drugs to fi ght serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
C4X Discovery 的科學家正將虛擬實境科技運用在一種稱為 4Sight 的工具中來使檢視複雜的分子變得更容易。虛擬實境目前也被用來研發新藥來抵抗像是阿茲海默症和帕金森氏症這類的嚴重疾病。
●groundbreaking  a. S 開創性的
The groundbreaking 3-D effects in that film are worth seeing.
  a. 逼真的,維妙維肖的
The mask was so lifelike that it was quite frightening.

