2020年1月9日 星期四

An Arctic "miracle": Icebreaker salvages lost recordings of Beluga whales北極「奇蹟」:破冰船救回遺失的白鯨錄音

A year-long recording of the high-pitched clicks made by Beluga whales has been salvaged from the Arctic after the crew of a Swedish icebreaker chanced upon a research buoy adrift in hazardous pack ice.
A team tracking the device from California said they had almost given it up for lost when a "miracle" run of events allowed the vessel, the Oden, to stage an impromptu rescue.
"It’s great, amazing luck," said Josh Jones, a graduate student researcher at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego.
Scripps began deploying the buoy for year-long stints on the seabed in the Barrow Strait in the Canadian Arctic in 2013. But two consecutive summers of heavy pack ice have prevented Jones and Randy Nungaq, a resident of Resolute Bay, from conducting their annual boat trip to maintain the buoy since 2017.
Jones said he monitored the buoy as it drifted loose for about 10 days, fearing all the while that massive ice sheets would crush the device like a "trash compactor." Reuters
chance upon:片語,碰巧遇到或發現(人或事)。例句:I chanced upon an old friend when I had dinner in that restaurant yesterday.(我昨天在那家餐廳吃晚餐時,碰巧遇到一位老朋友。)
a run of:片語,一連串(事物)。例如,a run of defeats(一連串的失敗)。
all the while:片語,(某事發生的)整段時間。例句:We walked home together, talking all the while.(我們一起走回家,一路上聊個不停。)

