2020年1月11日 星期六

A Picky Boss 挑剔的上司

A: Anne  R: Ryan
Anne is getting ready to go home. She notices that Ryan is still hard at work and seems stressed out.
A: I never thought Mike would be so focused on small details.
R: He is picking at every little thing. The problem is that he is not clear about his expectations and is just giving me an endless laundry list of changes.
A: You should sit down and have a proper discussion with him. Otherwise, you’ll just be running around in circles on this.
小 安: 我從沒想過麥可會這麼注重小細節。
萊 恩: 他每個小地方都要挑剔。問題在於他不清楚他要的是什麼,然後就只會叫我無止境地修改。
小 安: 你得坐下好好跟他談一談。不然,你只是白忙一場。
●expectation  n. 期待,希望
●run around in circles
You have to figure out how to deal with this situation, or you will

