2020年1月11日 星期六

6-year-old opens lemonade stand to take mom on date after dad dies of cancer 6歲男童在父親癌逝後 擺攤賣檸檬汁 好讓母親能去約會

When life hands you lemons, do what a 6-year-old Denver boy did, he opened a lemonade stand.
Lots of kids have lemonade stands during summertime but Brady Campbell’s may just be the sweetest.
Brady’s father Brandon passed away a few weeks ago after a battle with stage 4 colon cancer.
Brady says he and his dad came up with the idea for a lemonade stand.
"To take my mom on a date. Because I didn’t have enough money and I wanted to pay. So I did it," the 6-year-old said.
The day after his father passed away this 6-year-old followed through on his promise to take care of his mom.
His neighbors and friends came by in the crowd caught the attention of a Denver police officer once he heard Brady’s story, he put out a radio call to other first responders.
Fire trucks and police cars started rolling up. They raised $244 that day.
When life gives you lemons:諺語,完整諺語為When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,字面意義為「當生命給你檸檬時,把檸檬拿來榨成檸檬汁」,引申意指當人生遭逢困境時,應轉念化危機為轉機,有鼓勵人在逆境中仍應積極向上之意。
例句:A When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. BYeah right, sounds like it’s so easy to make lemonades.A:當生命給你檸檬時,把檸檬拿來榨成檸檬汁;B:是噢,聽你講得好像榨檸檬汁很簡單一樣。)
pass away:慣用語,停止;過世。
follow through:慣用語:(把)進行到底;堅持完成。例句:She was trained to be a singer but didn’t follow it through.(她曾接受歌手訓練,但並未堅持下去。)

