2020年1月9日 星期四

Bringing Light to the Darkness with Crisco Art魔幻夜光畫不思議!

Crisco’s full name is Cristoforo Scorpiniti. As a self-taught artist, he found his passion for art at a dark time in his life when he found himself suddenly out of work. Instead of letting a negative experience get the best of him, he threw himself into a new pursuit: art.
According to Crisco, he paints with glowing colors to inspire hope. Though his paintings often show night scenes that look good in the dark, Crisco does not focus on the darkness. Instead, he uses his paintings to express positivity by creating light in the darkness.
Crisco 的全名為 Cristoforo Scorpiniti。身為自學藝術家,他在發覺自己突然失業的人生黑暗時期找到了對藝術的熱愛。沒讓不好的經歷擊敗他,他反而投入追尋新的志向:藝術。
Crisco 所說,他用發光的顏料作畫來激發希望。雖然他的畫常呈現在黑暗中看起來很棒的夜景,但Crisco 的重點不在黑暗。他反而用他的畫以創作黑暗中的光明來傳達正能量。
●passion  n. 熱愛;熱情
Juliet has a passion for dance and drama.
  n. 嗜好;追求
  vt. 表達
You can express yourself freely in this meeting.

