2020年1月22日 星期三

Teen’s Poor Diet Leads to Vision Loss長期吃垃圾食物竟導致失明?!

Many people like to eat junk food. However, one teen’s extreme junk food diet led to a serious result. The teen was reportedly a very picky eater since childhood. For years he only ate fries, chips, white bread, processed meats, and other low-nutrient foods. By the time he was 17, a test revealed that his optic nerve was damaged forever. He was declared legally blind.
It was concluded that his blindness was a result of nutrient deficiencies due to his diet of junk food. He was given nutritional supplements to keep his vision loss from getting worse. In addition, he was sent to mental health services to address his eating disorder.
vision n.視力
The old woman only has vision in one eye.
processed a.加工過的
You should not eat too much processed food if you want to stay healthy.
nutrient n.營養(物)
damage vt.損壞,傷害
Working too hard may damage your health.
nutritional supplement n.營養補給品

