2020年1月14日 星期二

Fewer North Koreans defect to South-北韓投誠南韓人數變少

The number of North Korean defections to South Korea continues to decrease due to rising broker fees and higher risk at the North Korea-China border, according to data from the Ministry of Unification Thursday.
771 North Korean defectors entered the country between January and September last year, compared to 881 in the same period in 2017. Though the figures for the fourth quarter are not out yet, it is likely the number of defections will not surpass 1,000 in 2019, recording the lowest figure since the ministry started collecting quarterly data in 2008.
Reports attribute the drop to stronger security at North Korean borders with China, the most common escape route. Reports also say the cost of hiring a broker has risen as high as $20,000 from about $4000 10 years ago.
defect:動詞,脫離、退出、叛逃;名詞,缺點(陷)、瑕疵。The spy defected to Britain from the Soviet Union in 1970.(這名間諜1970年從蘇聯叛逃到英國。)
surpass:動詞,優於、勝(超)過。The movie’s success has surpassed everyone’s expectations.(這本書取得出乎大家意料的成功。)
attribute:動詞,將歸因(咎)於、認為某人有某種特質;名詞,特性(質)、屬性。The researchers have attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown virus.(研究人員認為,這種病是由一種未知的病毒引起。)

