2020年1月9日 星期四

The toilet aims to increase employee productivity旨在提高員工生產力的馬桶

A British company, StandardToilet, has developed a toilet that discourages long bathroom breaks. The company has filed a patent for a fixture designed to increase employee productivity by making it uncomfortable for anyone to dwell on the toilet seat.
According to StandardToilet, employees are spending an average of 10 minutes a day on the toilet. They estimate that their product will lead to a 25% reduction in time spent on the toilet, so employees can spend those extra two and a half minutes doing something way more productive. Like going to get coffee.
Sloping forward at an angle of 13 degrees, StandardToilet’s product is designed to make it uncomfortable to spend longer than about five minutes on it without experiencing leg strain, Mahabir Gill, founder of StandardToilet said.
develop:動詞,發展、開發。例句:The practice is designed to develop your right brain.(這項練習被設計用來開發你的右腦。)
extra:形容詞,額外的。例句:Before going home, I have to deal with those extra works.(在回家之前,我必須處理完這些額外的工作。)
productive:形容詞,有成效的,例句:We have finished a productive meeting.(我們已經結束一場有成效的會議。)

