2020年1月5日 星期日

Indonesian housewife tackles homelessness for 250 feral cats印尼家庭主婦試圖解決250隻野貓無家可歸的問題

On the outskirts of suburban Jakarta, housewife Dita Agusta lives with more than 250 cats she has taken in off the streets, creating a shelter for the animals she hopes will one day be adopted.
She had wanted to rescue cats since she was a child and saw stray cats running wild around her neighborhood.
When she and her husband, Mohamad Lutfi, a catfish farmer, moved four years ago from Bekasi city in West Java to a bigger house in Parung in the same province, south of Jakarta, she was able to take action and began taking in cats.
Now the couple spends at least one million rupiah a day to cover the cost of food, medicines and litter for the 250 cats they keep. They also employ a pool of five workers to clean the entire house twice a day to make sure the shelter is hygienic.
She says she does not take in healthy-looking cats, only ones that need help, and expects disabled cats to stay in her shelter forever.
In her home, all 250 cats are neutered to contain the population. They are also groomed to ensure they don’t create health risks for the surrounding community. (Reuters)
tackle:動詞,指對付、處理、交涉、抓住、開始大吃、足球等運動中的阻截動作;名詞,指用具、裝備、男性性器官。例句:She tackled the thief.(她逮住小偷。)
neuter:動詞,指絕育;名詞,指中性、無性生物、中立者;形容詞,指中立的、中性的、無性的。例句:Fighting of neutered stray cats greatly decreases.(結紮過的流浪貓打架行為大幅減少。)
groom:動詞,指刷洗動物、培訓、修飾;名詞,指新郎、馬夫。例句:He is always perfectly groomed.(他總是全身打理得很完美。)

