2020年6月21日 星期日

Where is Kim Jong-un?

Where is Kim Jong-un?
One of the biggest questions regarding the current impasse on the Korean Peninsula is the silence of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, in contrast to his sister Kim Yo-jong.
Kim Jong-un has been completely missing in the key statements from Pyongyang in recent weeks regarding South Korea. His private jet was seen flying east toward Hamhung, South Hamgyong Province, on Wednesday, according to Flightradar24, a Swedish website. Some speculate he went there for a visit to a test site of SLBMs.
One speculation is that by not attacking Moon personally, Kim Jong-un is leaving the door open for further dialogue with the South Korean leader. Rep. Thae Yong-ho of the main opposition United Future Party pointed out that "there was no third person between the North Korean military and Kim Jong-un, but now there is Kim Yo-jong." Her emergence indicates a new leadership structure in North Korea.
impasse:名詞,僵局、死路、絕境。The dispute had reached an impasse, as neither side would compromise.(由於雙方都不讓步,爭端陷入僵局。)
leave the door open:片語,仍敞開大門,暗示仍有進一步討論、協商、談判的可能。Though talks broke down, the door has been left open.(雖然談判失敗,但談判的大門仍未關閉。)
point out:片語,指(提)出。 I should point out how dangerous the whole thing is to him.(我應該向他指出這整件事的危險性。)

Aqueduct of Segovia
The Aqueduct of Segovia in Spain is one of the best preserved Roman aqueducts in Europe. Dated to sometime around 100CE, the structure, made of solid granite blocks, is a reminder of the skill possessed by Roman architects nearly 2,000 years ago.
The aqueduct, which delivered water to the old settlement, is now a symbol of Segovia and is part of the city’s official emblem. Today, there are 75 single arches and 44 double arches remaining, with the tallest reaching over 28 meters into the air. The Aqueduct of Segovia is a great site to snap photos and appreciate Europe’s amazing history.
西班牙的塞哥維亞水道橋是歐洲保存最完整的羅馬時代水道橋之一。這座由實心花崗岩塊打造的建築可追溯至公元 100 年左右,提醒世人約兩千年前羅馬建築師的不凡技術。
aqueduct n. 輸水道
preserve vt. 保存,維護
It is very important to preserve traditional customs.
granite n. 花崗岩
emblem n. 徽章;紋章圖案

